初三英语试卷 初二升初三英语试卷

【初三英语试卷 初二升初三英语试卷】

初三英语试卷 初二升初三英语试卷

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。初二升初三英语试卷,初三英语试卷这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、这里有一篇供参考:How to learn EnglishLearning English is not so difficult, but how to learn English is very important. We shoud practice speaking English every day,and do lots of listening practice. At first,don’t afraid of making mistakes,we should face it,not everyone never make mistakes.Then,we can write diaries every day,it can imporove our writing skill,and many mistakes in our speaking will be easily found when we write.And by listening English songs isn’t a bad way to improve our English,we also can watch a English-language TV,it also can help a lot. 。
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