
1、They are in the zoo. ________________________________________?
2、Is it a beautiful park?
3、Do they walk to school every morning?
4、They like making the puppet. _________________________________?
5、Are there many books on the shelf?
6、Is it a big map?
7、I put a book on my head. ___________________________________?
8、We are sweeping on the floor. __________________________________________?
9、Is she lovely girl?
10、Are we classmates?
11、They sing “In the classroom”together. _________________________________?
12、Do you have a pleasant home?
13、I can sing and dance. ___________________________?
14、I am listening to music. _______________________________________?
15、This is my sister. _________________________________________?
16、Hello.You are his mother. __________________________?
17、Mike is a student. _______________________________________?
18、Is he my father?
19、Is Peter at home?
20、The elephent’s ears are long. __________________________?
21、Do you play computer games every night?
22、Do they go to church on Sunday?
23、Is there an ostrich in the zoo?
24、评价有效期:自消费之日起,30天内可评价 。
25、Do you love your parents?
26、We need some masks. _________________________________?
27、Are there many stars in the sky?
28、Is Mike your brother?
29、There are some flowers in the vase._____________________________________?
30、Are you a doctor?
31、We like birds. _________________________?
32、Is there a bird in the tree?
33、We play basketball on Sundays. ____________________________________?
34、Is this a box?
35、Su Hai and Su Yang live in a new house.________________________________?
36、Tom can clean the classroom. ________________________________________?
37、Are they good friends?
【最新整理!一般疑问句小学练习题38句】 38、Is this your T-shirt?