1、他是谁的英语是:Who is he?Who的音标:英 [hu?]、美 [hu?] 。
2、这个男子让人感到有些熟悉,但是希尔斯滕一时认不出他是谁 。Something about the man was familiar, although Hillsden could not immediately place him 。
3、警察知道他是谁后,便向他要了签名,然后只给了他个警告就放他走了 。When police realised who he was, they asked for an autograph and let him off with a warning 。
【请问他是谁用英语怎么说 他是谁用英语怎么说】4、我很想知道他是谁,从哪里来,来干什么 。I wonder who he is, where he came from and why he came 。
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