
1、Andshe's been stalking me since the second grade.Well, agirl like that doesn't live next door to everyone.她从二年级起就老是缠着我 。这种女孩是可遇不可求的 。
2、One's character is set at an early age. I'd hate to see you swim out so far you can't swim back.从小看到老,我可不愿看到你做边城浪子回不了头 。
3、The apple doesn't fallfar from the tree.树上掉下的苹果它落地离树能有多远?
4、Sometimes a little discomfort in the beginning can save a whole lot of pain down the road.有时起初的隐忍可以避免一路的疼痛 。
5、The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.树上掉下的苹果它落的地离树能有多远?
6、One’s character is setat an early age. I'd hate to see you swim out so far you can't swim back.从小看到老,我可不愿看到你做边城浪子回不了头 。
7、The first day I met Bryce Loski, I flipped. It was those eyes, something in those dazzling eyes.见到布莱斯·罗斯基的第一天,我心动了 。他的双眸有种魔力让我如痴如醉 。
【怦然心动经典台词精选8条】 8、And I realized Garrettwas right about one thing: I had flipped. Completely.我意识到加利特一件事是说对了:我心动了 。完全心动了 。