spear spearman相关分析

【spear spearman相关分析】

spear spearman相关分析

大家好,小耶来为大家解答以上的问题 。spearman相关分析 , spear这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、spearn.矛, 枪n.(名词)A weapon consisting of a long shaft with a sharply pointed end.矛,枪:一种由一根长杆和尖头构成的武器A shaft with a sharp point and barbs for spearing fish.鱼叉:一种带有尖头的倒钩、叉鱼用的矛A soldien.(名词)A weapon consisting of a long shaft with a sharply pointed end.矛,枪:一种由一根长杆和尖头构成的武器A shaft with a sharp point and barbs for spearing fish.鱼叉:一种带有尖头的倒钩、叉鱼用的矛A soldier armed with a spear.持矛的士兵v.(动词)speared 。
2、,.(及物动词)To pierce with or as if with a spear.用或象用矛刺To catch with a thrust of the arm:猛地伸臂抓?。簊pear a football.猛地伸臂接球.(不及物动词)To stab at something with or as if with a spear.用或象用矛刺某物r armed with a spear.持矛的士兵v.(动词)speared,。
3、 .(及物动词)To pierce with or as if with a spear.用或象用矛刺To catch with a thrust of the arm:猛地伸臂抓?。簊pear a football.猛地伸臂接球.(不及物动词)To stab at something with or as if with a spear.用或象用矛刺某物这里是说持矛的士兵spear[spiE]n.矛, 枪 。
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