春节的由来和风俗简介英文 体验中国春节的风俗英文

在春节韩国风俗哪些与中国不同50字左右6、全家人吃年糕汤,汤里不仅有年糕,还有“馒头”【其实是饺子】,谁吃到饺子里面有硬币谁就有福气 。【和中国稍有不同】

春节的由来和风俗简介英文 体验中国春节的风俗英文

中国春节风俗有哪些6 。团圆饭:一年一次的团圆饭充分的表现出中华民族家庭成员的互敬互爱,这种互敬互爱使一家人之间的关系更为紧密 。家人的团聚往往令"一家之主"在精神上得到安慰与满足,老人家看儿孙满堂,一家大小共叙天伦,过去的关怀与抚养子女所付出的心血而没有白费,这是何等的幸福,而年轻一辈也正可以借此机会向父母的养育之恩来表达感激之情 。
中国传统春节习俗,英语是:Chinese traditional Spring Festival Customs
春节是中国传统节日中最为重要的一个节日,拥有丰富的春节习俗,具有明显的地域性特征 。
Spring festival which has rich custom and typical regional feature is one of the most important traditional festivals in China.答案是:
china 's traditional festival and eatingcustoms
春节的由来和风俗简介英文 体验中国春节的风俗英文

中国新年习俗,要英语,简短一些的 。急急急!!!!!!!【春节的由来和风俗简介英文 体验中国春节的风俗英文】We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. It is the first day of the lunar calendar. Before New Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year’s Eve, every family has a delicious feast. All the family stays up late to welcome the Festival and people burn firecrackers to greet it. On the first day of the Spring Festival, people put on their new clothes and visit their relatives and friends. When meeting, they say “Good luck” and other greetings to each other. And children are very happy because they can get the lucky money from their parents and relatives. On the Festival, there are lion dances and some other activities, which last at least three days. People usually have a very good time during the festivalthe events that occurred during new year's day may impact your life for the rest of the year. be careful in your actions. certain precautions (预防)are taken to insure that the new year will be a good one. 1. the entire house should be cleaned before new year's day. on new year's eve, all brooms, brushes, dusters, dustpans (簸箕)and other cleaning equipment are put away. sweeping or dusting should not be done on new year's day for fear that good fortune will be swept away. after new year's day, the floors may be swept. at no time should the rubbish in the corners be trampled upon. in sweeping, there is a superstition(迷信) that if you sweep the dust and dirt out of your house by the front entrance is to sweep away the good fortune of the family; it must always be swept inwards and then carried out, then no harm will follow. all dirt and rubbish must be taken out the back door. 2. shooting off firecrackers on new year's eve is the chinese way of sending out the old year and welcoming in the new. on the stroke of midnight on new year's eve, every door in the house, and even windows, have to be open to allow the old year to go out. 3. nothing should be lent on new year's day, as anyone who does so will be lending all the year. all debts have to be paid by new year's eve. 4. everyone should refrain from using foul(污秽) language and bad or unlucky words. negative terms and the word "four", or "si" in chinese which sounds like the word for death, are not to be uttered. death and dying are never mentioned and ghost stories are totally taboo. 5. hair must be cleaned and set prior(先前的) to the holiday, for to do so during the new year season would invite financial ruin. on new year's day, hair should not be washed because it would mean washing away good luck for the new year. 6. care must be taken not to break any dishes or other things on the first day of the year. 7. the use of knives and scissors(剪子) -- indeed any sharp instrument -- is to be avoided, for these things could augur(算命) bad luck in the coming year. 8. wear brand new clothes -- preferably in red. children should wear new clothes and new shoes. red is considered a bright, happy color, sure to bring the wearer a sunny and bright future. it is believed that appearance and attitude during new year's sets the tone for the rest of the year.ha那