双语学习报八年级答案 双语学习报

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。双语学习报,双语学习报八年级答案这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
【双语学习报八年级答案 双语学习报】1、初二双语学习报31期答案听力:1-5 BDGEA 6-10 BCAAC 11-15 ACBAC 16-20 ABBAA 单?。?1-25 DAACC 26-30 CDADC 31-35 BCABD 完型:36-40 BADCA 41-45 CCBAD 阅读理解:46-50 DCBDB 51-55 CADBB 语言综合运用:56.bite 57.hid 58.second 59.copy 60.medicine 61.recorder 62.dishes 63.suggested 64.text 65.chest 66.saved;life 67.turn off 68.ladies;gentlemen 69.stay school ***.play back 71.If;he 72.it was 73.to use 74.with 75.It is;to 76-80 DEBGC 作文: If you want to turn on the TV,press the red button.If you want to watch the programme you would like,press the number buttons.Turn the volume button right to turn the volume up.If you want to stop watching it,you can press the red button again to turn it off. 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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