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亚运会的英语作文要五年级水平16th Asian Games in 2010 12-27 November in Guangzhou, China, Guangzhou is the second Chinese city to obtain the right to host the Asian Games. Beijing in 1990 held the 11th Asian Games. Guangzhou Asian Games will be 41 events in the history of the Asian Games is the largest event of the session. Guangzhou Asian Games will be held after the 10th Asian Games with disabilities.In March 2004 following a total of four cities hosting the Asian Games: Guangzhou, Kuala Lumpur, Seoul (Seoul), Amman; but the other three bidding cities have been decided to withdraw from the competition. July 1, 2004, the Olympic Council of Asia announced that Guangzhou was the right to host the 16th Asian Games.The emblem of the Asian Games in November 17, 2006 Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall in Guangzhou announced a grand to the symbol of Guangzhou - "Wuyang statue" as the main contours of this pattern designed to become the emblem of the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games. 第16届亚运会将于2010年11月12日至27日在中国广州进行,广州是中国第二个取得亚运会主办权的城市 。北京曾于1990年举办第11届亚运会 。广州亚运会将设41项比赛项目,是亚运会历史上比赛项目最多的一届 。广州还将在亚运会后举办第十届残疾人亚运会 。
2004年3月共有四座城市申办亚运会:广州、吉隆坡、汉城(首尔)、安曼;但之后其他三个申办城市相继决定退出竞逐 。2004年7月1日,亚奥理事会宣布广州获得第十六届亚运会主办权 。
亚运会会徽于2006年11月17日在广州孙中山纪念堂隆重揭晓,以广州的象征——“五羊雕像”为主体轮廓设计的图案成为2010年广州亚运会会徽 。
200分求小学五年级亚运英语演讲稿,不要太难是他们!拨动了我们的心弦 。是他们,传承了美丽的五羊传说,更是他们!以独特的人格魅力绽放着迷人的芳香 。亚运志愿者发起了万人签名环保亚运的大行动 。又一批“90后”加入了奉献爱心羊城志愿者的行列 。多少志愿者在街头巷尾纠正错误的路标,多少的哥在空余时间里练习亚运英语 。
又是一个阳光明媚的假日,我手捧英语书,快步向公园走去 。公园里真热闹啊,有的在跑步,有的在打太极拳,有的在跳健美操……好一派“迎亚运,勤健身”的风光图!趁着这大好时光,我赶忙找个地方坐下,一句一句大声地朗读 。Ideal is the beacon. Without
动感亚洲,感动世界 。继承奥运精神,争当亚运先锋 。让我们用最快的行动,净化美好的家园;让我们用最眩的风采,展示广州的魅力;让我们用最亮*的歌声,唱响亚运主旋律 。我们就是文明广州最好的名片!
啊,我也要做个光荣的亚运小使亚运的钟声已经敲响,亚运雄风也越来越狂热 。无数个激动人心的场面深深的触动了我 。瞧,46名者!我一定要在第三届学校《迎亚运英语小状元争霸赛》中拿到一等奖!
关于亚运会的英语作文 不要抄袭其他的 最好简单一点100词左右 谢谢Guangzhou Asian Games
Guangzhou, an over 2000 years ancient city, with the 2010 Asian Games, unprecedented, present its beauty and prosperousness to the Asian audiences, and the rest of the world.
For Asian games, host Guangzhou will not only hold dynamic games, but show our Asian ethnic friendship and culture glorious to the world. For Guangzhou, this is a great chance, which gives us a cultural exchange opportunity, and raises our international city image. It’s a stage that we can draw peoples focus form all over the world, to witness Guangzhou’s grow, changes, beauty and prosperousness.
Last but not less, Guangzhou invest lot of money to perfect its transportation, environment, real estate, advertisement, which make a huge impart to improve the culture, services and manufacturing industry and the correspondence economic development. We all trust: tomorrow’s Guangzhou will be more beautiful!
2022年杭州亚运会英文介绍是什么?2022年杭州亚运会英文介绍就是用英文介绍亚运会,然后加上中文翻译 。
介绍:The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022 (hereinafter referred to as "Hangzhou 2022 Asian Games") was held in Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China from September 10 to 25, 2022.
There are 40 major events in the Asian Games, including 31 Olympic events and 9 non Olympic events. At the same time, on the premise of keeping the 40 major events unchanged, two competition events, E-sports and break dance, will be added.
杭州2022年第19届亚运会(The 19th Asian Games Hangzhou 2022),简称“杭州2022年亚运会”,于2022年9月10日至25日在中国浙江杭州举行 。
【win10系统今日推荐怎么删除 win10系统选择删除】本届亚运会共设40个竞赛大项,包括31个奥运项目和9个非奥运项目 。同时,在保持40个大项不变的前提下,增设电子竞技、霹雳舞两个竞赛项目 。
关于亚运会的英语作文五年级水平I refueling for the Olympic Games
In 2008 the 29th session of the Olympic Games in the Chinese capital will be held in Beijing! As a Chinese, I feel immense pride and pride. Beijing has achieved the right to host the 2008 Olympic Games, every Chinese people are thrilled. We have an obligation to also have the right to welcome the 2008 Olympic Games and make every effort to do every thing to own a modest contribution to the force.
Carry out every one small matter, is within our grasp; carry out every one small matter, is the most meaningful. I start from, starting from the words and deeds. Build a harmonious society, is our common aspiration.
The 2010 Asian Games will hoet in Guangzhou.Many people will come to
Guangzhou . Guangzhou will be noisy.People will watch TV progammes aboutAsian Games. Chinese athletes will win many gold medals. People
in other crountrise will know Guangzhou and China better.
2010年亚运会将在广州举行 。许多人将会来广州 。广州将会很热闹 。人们将会看有关亚运会的节目 。中国运动员将会赢许多金牌 。在外国的人们将会知道广州和中国是最好的 。