over my head over my head歌词

over my head over my head歌词

大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。over my head歌词,over my head这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、无法承担 , 无法理解 。
2、网络例句:This job is over my head. 这工作非我所能承担 。
3、What you said is over my head. 也许我应该扔掉我的语法书,重新开始 。
4、But operating this machine is over my head. 但是,看来要弄明白怎麽用电脑对我来说实在是太难了 。
5、The lesson today was hard; it went over my head. 今天的功课太难,我理解不了 。
【over my head over my head歌词】6、The book is beyond me; it went over my head. 这本书我看不懂,它太难理解了 。
7、The TOEFL test last time was quite over my head. 上次的托福考试我简直无法应付 。
8、Their conversation was in Cantonese which was way over my head. 他们讲的是广东话,我完全听不懂 。
9、The English lesson today was so difficult that it went over my head. 今天的英文课太难,我无法了解 。
10、My new house is not a palace, but at least it means I have a roof over my head. 我的新居不是一座宫殿,但至少我有了自己的栖身之处 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。