关于宪法 关于宪法的手抄报

关于宪法 关于宪法的手抄报

【关于宪法 关于宪法的手抄报】1、没有竹篱船难行,没有秤砣秤难称;没有弯弓箭难射 ,  没有法治国难兴 。
2、人靠法律不怕妖 , 不怕台风不怕礁;不怕沙鱼翻恶浪,不怕征程万里遥 。
3、这里是英文版的:It is difficult to sail without a bamboo fence, to weigh without a steelyard, to shoot without a bow and arrow, and to prosper without a country ruled by law Men are not afraid of monsters by law, nor are they afraid of typhoons, nor are they afraid of reefs; nor are they afraid of rough seas, nor of long journeys. 。
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