天津市内旅游景点大全 天津市内旅游景点大全排名

专四作文小作文 (来自于网络,仅供参考 。仅修改了格式 。)
April 18th, 2009
Dear Lily,
I know you’re looking for a part-time job in the coming summer vacation. And I have just seen an ad for a private English tutor for a schoolboy on the campus. Since you’re good at English and like teaching, I think this job is very suitable for you. It will help you both earn some money and practice yourselves. So please think about it.

天津市内旅游景点大全 天津市内旅游景点大全排名

2016专四作文,我当时很紧张,时间很紧,把excerpt看成了expert,第一段总国庆节,我和爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶要去海南了,那时,我的心情无比激动,我的心里想,终于可以到我最想去的海南了 。
海南的景色太美了 。清晨,当我从朦胧中醒来,我就听到一阵阵海浪声 。我赶快和爸爸跑到了海边,三亚湾真是名不虚传,松软沙滩,由高到低,慢慢地连接着大海,任由海浪一次次地冲刷,黑的、白的、五颜六色的贝壳,在浪花的冲刷下,留在了沙滩上,很多人光着脚丫在沙滩上捡贝壳 。我向远处望去,蓝蓝的海水和蓝蓝的天空连接在了一起,分不清哪是天哪是海 。爷爷告诉我,我们来看大海,要向大海学习,大海有谦卑的姿态,不拒江湖河流的大小,才能养育万物,物产丰富 。大海还有宽阔的胸怀,容纳百川,永不自满,才能有一望无际波浪滚滚的壮阔 。小学生就要像大海一样,有谦虚的态度,多学习各种知识,不断丰富自己、壮大自己,长大了才能成为国家的栋梁 。
在沙滩的旁边,有一片高大茂密的树林,那就是三亚湾有名的椰梦长廊,据说这个长廊有十几公里长 。有的椰子树高大挺拔,像威武的战士在接受游客们的检阅,有的虽然被海风吹歪了,但还坚强的站在那里,像热情的海南人亲切的向我们招手 。中午,我们都渴了,我们每人都喝了一个椰子,这小自然给我们的最好的饮料 。我站在椰子树下,仰望着树上长的椰子,有大的,有小的,还有才开的小黄花,爷爷告诉我,海南是热带气候,气温高,雨水多,椰子树一年四季不休息,一年四季都有新鲜的椰子成熟 。还有许多的水果、花草也是一样 。就像一首歌里唱的"春天来了花正红,秋天来了花不败" 。
我和妈妈来到集贸市场,这里有各种各样的鱼,有海马、海胆、海蟹、芒果螺、海参、鱿鱼、这些海里的动物让我看的入迷,这里也有很多热带的水果,有芒果、木瓜、香蕉、菠萝、菠萝蜜、榴莲,这些水果我都爱吃 。
When we entered primary school, we started to work hard in the hope of passing the examinations. There is no doubt that examinations have become part of students' lives. As it is so important for us, we have to take a correct attitude towards examinations. So, are examinations harmful or useful?
Exams Are Useful
There has been a heated debate over the pros and cons of exams. On balance, I hold the contention that exams are useful rather than harmful.
Granted, the ultimate purpose of any education is to disseminate knowledge rather than pass exams. An undue emphasis on the importance of exams may serve to undermine this purpose. If students only cram for tests 0ne or two weeks before the exams without really learning anything, such an education undoubtedly fails to fulfill its function. On the other hand, it is undeniable that exams are a useful device to gauge students' academic performance, It may not reflect exactly how well a pupil has grasped a subject; however, it provides some information which also guides further study. Additionally, since exams have been employed to distinguish excellence from the mediocrity, itmotivates students to reach for their potentials as well. After all, we live in a competitive world; and it is obligatory for schools to impart a sense of competition to pupils.
In the final analysis, the merits of the exam system outweigh its demerits. Nevertheless, students should not study merely for the sake of passing exams. Instead, they should make acquiring knowledge the ultimate goal of study. (202 words)
1.Some people argue that an overheated competition engendered by exams may do students a disservice.
有些人认为考试造成的过度竞争可能会对学生不利 。
【天津市内旅游景点大全 天津市内旅游景点大全排名】2.It is advantageous to impose the exam system for the following two reasons.
实行考试制度是有好处的,有以下两个原因 。
3.I propose that exams should only make up for part of a student’s evaluation.
我建议考试应该只占学生评价标准的一部分 。
4.Attendance,participation and assignments should also account for some points.
考勤、课上参与和作业也应该占一些分 。
5.Apart from a test of knowledge, exams also test how students perform under pressure.
除了检验对知识的掌握程度,考试也检验学生在压力下的表现 。
Some people prefer to work for a large company while others prefer to work
for a small company. What is your view?
Choose a Big Company
Whether a small or a big company is better should be judged on a case-to-case
basis. Generally speaking, I would like to take up a job in a big company.
To begin with, big corporations are more reputable and prestigious than small
ones. Therefore, it is easier to acquire a credible recommendation letter if one
ever decides to seek other employment and get on the career ladder. In addition,
big companies often provide satisfactory welfare benefits along with other perks
whereas small enterprises may not always duly value their employees.
Furthermore, the in-house training operated by big corporations benefits
students not for the current job but also has a longlasting impact on their
future career. In addition, renowned companies, especially international ones,
are more likely to offer employees the opportunity to work in different places.
Also, the options presented by small enterprises are often quite limited. Last
but not least, small companies usually lack an efficient infrastructure and this
may create many obstacles for new graduates who are not well experienced. Also,
their brand value can hardly compete with well-known big companies.
In summary, albeit that the competition is irrefutably fiercer for the
positions offered by big companies, the aforementioned merits render a big
company a better choice.(208 words)