大家好,小跳来为大家解答以上的问题 。英文合同翻译模板,英文合同翻译这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
【英文合同翻译 英文合同翻译模板】1、Article 7. Term and Termination第7条期限和终止 7.1(Term of this Agreement) This Agreement shall come into effect on the date hereof and, unless earlier terminated as hereinafter provided, shall continue in effect for one (1) years thereafter. This Agreement shall be automatically renewed for additional terms of one year each, unless, not less than ninety (90) days prior to the end of the initial or any renewal term, either party shall give the other written notice of non-renewal. 协议期限 本协议与本协议规定之日期生效,有效期为一(1)年,但根据本协议项下规定提前终止时除外 。
2、本协议应自动续期一年 , 但一方在第一年或任何续期年份结束前90天向另一方书面告知不予续期通知时除外 。
3、 7.2(Default) In case there is a default by either party of any provision of this Agreement during the life of this Agreement, the parties hereto shall first of all try to settle any matter arising from such default as soon and amicably as possible to mutual satisfaction. Unless settlement should be reached within thirty (30) days after notification in writing of the other party, such other party has the right to terminate this Agreement and the loss and damage sustained thereby shall be indemnified by the party responsible for such default. (违约)在本协议有效期内,如一方违反本协议项下任何条款的规定,双方应首先尽力、尽快并和平友好地解决由此产生的任何问题并使双方均感满意 。
4、若非违约方书面告知后30天内未能解决问题,非违约方有权终止本协议,由此产生的损失和损坏违约方应予以赔偿 。
5、7.3(Bankruptcy, etc.) Either party hereto has the right to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to the other party in the event of such other party’s bankruptcy, insolvency, dissolution, consolidation, reorganization, commencement of receivership proceedings or discontinuation of business for any reason whatsoever.(破产等)若一方因任何原因破产、无力偿付、解散、合并、重组、开始清算诉讼或歇业,另一方均有权在书面告知后终止本协议 。
本文到此分享完毕,希望对大家有所帮助 。
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