
这里有人看过《战栗黑洞》这部老恐怖片吗?很老了 当时看的还是录象带 真的好恐怖啊 当时可能年纪太小 反正那种现实和书里的内容互相渗透 变的现实也很恐怖了 我记得吓着的镜头有 他俩开车在黑夜公路上 迎面骑来一辆自行车 车上的老太太毁容的 大灯照她的面容吓死了 结局很象寂静岭1(PS版)的结尾 非常象 就是大家大逃亡 逃出书里的世界 对于剧情我记得没怎么看懂 比如最终BOSS是谁?这个电影的反角是谁?他为什么要这么做?结尾他们逃出去了没错,但是现实世界还是以前的样子吗?忘了```忘了````多谢老大提醒 这个电影原来是CARPENTER的作品啊 当时根本不知道 光知道男主角是演侏罗纪公元的查看原帖>>

《尸水浴人》日本恐怖片 。求哪能看,图解也成 。。百度有图解
《咒怨1》,《咒怨2》,《咒怨3》,《鬼4虐》(4个改编的真实灵异小故事很不错,泰国的),《鬼5虐》,《笔仙》《蔷花红莲》(韩国的,恐怖,唯美的,很有内涵强烈推荐),粉红色高跟鞋 韩国的‘女高怪谈系列’有五部,很恐怖很有内涵,‘突然有一天’系列 .,《血的期中考》,《灰姑娘》(整形方面的事,恐怖,我要你的脸.....),《鬼娃娃花子》《人形师》
《鬼影实录》《老师的恩惠》鬼来电》《假发》(有一幕,看了发抖 我受不了那些密集物)《美发尸》《抽象画中的越南少女》(从开始就诡异)《四人餐桌》(韩国的,不错)《解剖学教室》(在实习的过程中,六人在晦暗的手术室里发现了一个来历不明的女尸)《鬼友》《公寓》

推荐推荐 值得去看看,以上纯原创手打 勿复制 望采纳



有人看过一部恐怖片叫《猛鬼上床》的?国外的,我小学时候看过,一个鬼上了一个男的身,然后玩他媳妇,因为有床戏,当时印象比较深 。

很久没有看恐怖片了 今天在网页上浏览了一下《尸水浴人》介绍我觉得不杂地 谁有种子或者地址发一个 。谢谢呃,同志,你找的这部貌似是恐怖片吧的传奇,号称没人能够找到 。
主要原因是版本 。
就我目前看过,与其内容相似的,大概有三部 。一部泰国,一部美国,一部日本 。
美国是翻拍日本的,都是一个小鬼死在水塔里 。叫《鬼水凶灵》
泰国的叫什么忘了,是部短片,跟尸水的内容有点像,在土豆可以看到 。
而被誉为传奇的,则是中国版本,目前只闻其声,不见其片,貌似9几年拍的,没有哪位恐怖片达人找到 。
顺便勾引下你,被誉为传奇的,还有黑色雨伞,也是一帮骚年们在寻找的对象 。

求恐怖片《尸水浴人》下载地址,能在线观看就最好根本没有这部片子,恐怖片吧都讨论好长时间了 。你确定你看过这部片子吗?




<尸水浴人> 到底是一部什么片?鬼片? 血腥片?跟日本豚鼠系列风格差不多

日本电影《尸水浴人》有谁看过?这个应该没有因为在日本上映没多久就禁了 (据说吓死人了)

大家好,我答应帮我人找一部叫《尸水浴人》的日本恐怖片,可是我在网上搜了好久也没有,希望有人帮帮我额 。。其实你搞错了,内部片子其实是叫“鬼水凶灵”
只是被人传着传着就变了个名字 。。
PS:其实我是看别人这么回答才顺便说下的 。。

尸水浴人到底讲的是神马阿 吓人吗内容是这样的,开始的时候,镜头里出现的是一个小山村,有一个女人在池塘里洗澡,但水是黑的(也可能是黑白片的原因),音乐很凄凉,女人洗完澡回到屋里,然后点上蜡烛,然后女人从抽屉里拿出一个全家福,里面有女人的丈夫和孩子,然后女人开始抽泣,镜头一晃全黑了,蜡烛灭了,等蜡烛再次点亮的时候,是另一个镜头,另一个屋子,现代的 。
当蜡烛再次点亮的时候,镜头里出现的另一个屋子,看陈设,是现代的,然 镜头好像一晃一晃的,就好像是一个人在晃着走路,但外面很黑,哪们都看不到,但她手里仅有的蜡烛,还是照亮了一小块地方,来到“池塘”不过已经是干渴的池塘了
这时候,这个人的脚下开始渗血,越来越多,刚开始以为是土里渗出的,最后才发现,血是从身上掉下来了,然后头发(准确的说是,带着头发的头皮)眼睛,以及内脏哪们的,最后只剩一副骨架(显示的是腿部和脚都是骨架,估计上半身也已经是骨头了),慢慢的池塘里开始有水了,但水还是一样的黑,只见骨架蹒跚着,进了池塘,慢慢的没了顶(果然上半身就是骨架),过了一小会儿,水里慢慢的出现了个头顶,然后是脸,然后是身体(挪体),女人转过身,原来是故事开始的时候的(那)个女的 。
然后镜头出现在一家报社里,原先哪(那)个女的正在一大堆资料里忙的喘不过气,原来这个女的是报社编辑,女编辑忙完后舒了一口气,慢慢抬起头,不远的地方有个空着的桌子,然后是回忆,两个恋人在草地上幸福的追逐,在河边嬉戏,灯光下男的给女的拍照,其中女的就是她本人,突然镜头一转,出现男的躺在医院的床上,惊恐着睁大眼睛,重复的说着一句话:“池塘,池塘... 。”尤美,你啥子了,发哪们愣啊,女回过神来 。
然后是另一个画面,街头上一个男的在追另一个男的,被追的哪(那)个男的狼狈的在人群中逃窜,而后面追赶的男的正是哪(那)个和女编辑见面的男的,逃跑是男的很快被追上,被很利索的制服,然后男的点燃一支烟,一辆警车停在旁边,然后下来一个***,对着男的说:“我说池田,你能不能不要这么出风头,有哪们行动先通知我一声啊 。害我追了半天”,男的拜拜手,说:“我困了,要回家睡觉了,就不回警局了 。”后面传来:“这小子,哎 。” (然后就忘了 。)

跪求国宝级电影<<尸水浴人>>尸水浴人 存在与否尚存争议恐影吧那个的帖子不可信

就算有 也是个迷网上一定没有观看或下载地址~~~

谁有《邻居女孩》恐怖片下载地址,我特别想看,找不到资源,谢谢各位啦 。提供本片的TLF BDRip版本RayFile网盘下载链接: 先安装RayFile网盘客户端,地址在这里:
在客户端上新建任务,把下面fs2you开头的链接地址粘贴到“文件下载链接(URL)”里面,点击“开始下载”就可以了 。

谁知道恐怖片《雾隐凶藏》的下载地址或在线观看地址ed2k://|file|%5B%E8%BF%B7%E9%9B%BE%5D.The.Mist.2007.DVDRip.X264.AC3.iNT-TLF-CD1.mkv|734371688|b66519b39f5fd01a1ec13625edc55964|h=BT5X4EJI7P2GFURLWP5LNX2QITJB2YEK|/ ed2k://|file|%5B%E8%BF%B7%E9%9B%BE%5D.The.Mist.2007.DVDRip.X264.AC3.iNT-TLF-CD2.mkv|733121803|7398ad9ccf9a9af85385ef76da69534a|h=HXZFPPKT335DMKRIQJBJIPAMFQ2YSNMA|/ ed2k://|file|%5B%E8%BF%B7%E9%9B%BE%5D.The.Mist.2007.DVDRip.X264.AC3.iNT-TLF-CD3.mkv|730542157|636b413d6a91f163c73463a6d8fd3ee6|h=C44QGDQTABSPTOZ2DRVT7UN4GTBKYP4V|/ ed2k://|file|%5B%E8%BF%B7%E9%9B%BE%5D.The.Mist.2007.DVDRip.X264.AC3.iNT-TLF-sample.mkv|19118352|c2872e0fd6d726d5454c0d1fe076733b|h=JO7DI44GCRKEZQKXM7W5X6NJZAVF6UUU|/ ed2k://|file|%5B%E8%BF%B7%E9%9B%BE%5D.The.Mist.2007.DVDRip.X264.AC3.iNT-TLF.nfo|10737|8bf1abf9edc48eede195622d4ffbd61d|h=DI6RW2QS4G7CZZA5YGACUHD3Q6Q5TWKF|/

恐怖片史上最恐怖的《尸水浴人》,这里有人看过吗内容是这样的,开始的时候,镜头里出现的是一个小山村,有一个女人在池塘里洗澡,但水是黑的(也可能是黑白片的原因),音乐很凄凉,女人洗完澡回到屋里,然后点上蜡烛,然后女人从抽屉里拿出一个全家福,里面有女人的丈夫和孩子,然后女人开始抽泣,镜头一晃全黑了,蜡烛灭了,等蜡烛再次点亮的时候,是另一个镜头,另一个屋子,现代的 。当蜡烛再次点亮的时候,镜头里出现的另一个屋子,看陈设,是现代的,然 镜头好像一晃一晃的,就好像是一个人在晃着走路,但外面很黑,哪们都看不到,但她手里仅有的蜡烛,还是照亮了一小块地方,来到“池塘”不过已经是干渴的池塘了这时候,这个人的脚下开始渗血,越来越多,刚开始以为是土里渗出的,最后才发现,血是从身上掉下来了,然后头发(准确的说是,带着头发的头皮)眼睛,以及内脏哪们的,最后只剩一副骨架(显示的是腿部和脚都是骨架,估计上半身也已经是骨头了),慢慢的池塘里开始有水了,但水还是一样的黑,只见骨架蹒跚着,进了池塘,慢慢的没了顶(果然上半身就是骨架),过了一小会儿,水里慢慢的出现了个头顶,然后是脸,然后是身体(挪体),女人转过身,原来是故事开始的时候的(那)个女的 。然后出现了字幕“尸水浴人”,接下来听到闹铃声,一个男的很不情愿的起床,正在刷呀的时候突然接到电话,大概内容是催促男的在哪们地方见面之类的话,然后男的草草的洗脸刷牙,就出门了,画面来到一家咖啡厅,女的已经来了,桌面上摆了很多资料,女的大概说的是前几天他们报社里有个采访人员去采访一个偏远的村落,结果回来后就疯了的事情,但是这个村落具体位置很难找,她觉得想和这个男的一起去寻找,男的明显的还没睡醒的样子,勉强答应了下来然后镜头出现在一家报社里,原先哪(那)个女的正在一大堆资料里忙的喘不过气,原来这个女的是报社编辑,女编辑忙完后舒了一口气,慢慢抬起头,不远的地方有个空着的桌子,然后是回忆,两个恋人在草地上幸福的追逐,在河边嬉戏,灯光下男的给女的拍照,其中女的就是她本人,突然镜头一转,出现男的躺在医院的床上,惊恐着睁大眼睛,重复的说着一句话:“池塘,池塘... 。”尤美,你啥子了,发哪们愣啊,女回过神来 。然后是另一个画面,街头上一个男的在追另一个男的,被追的哪(那)个男的狼狈的在人群中逃窜,而后面追赶的男的正是哪(那)个和女编辑见面的男的,逃跑是男的很快被追上,被很利索的制服,然后男的点燃一支烟,一辆警车停在旁边,然后下来一个***,对着男的说:“我说池田,你能不能不要这么出风头,有哪们行动先通知我一声啊 。害我追了半天”,男的拜拜手,说:“我困了,要回家睡觉了,就不回警局了 。”后面传来:“这小子,哎 。” (然后就忘了 。)
找一部电影!《禁入坟场》,恐怖片你也在找这个哇 我已经在网上搜了几年了 也没发现合适的下载地址 很多BT种子也失效了555~~~ 我超级喜欢这部电影的说!原版小说,我中英文的都看过!我以前有VCD的 后来弄丢乐~~~伤心惨乐

大家好,有一部泰国的恐怖片叫 鬼影子,哪位大哥有没有下载的连接,麻烦给我个链接,感激不尽了共两版 泰国版和美国版

关于开膛手杰克的电影有哪些?《来自地狱》、《开膛手杰克Jack the Ripper》(1976、1988) 、《《屠出地狱》(FromHell)》、《《狙击风月杀手》(TheRipper) 》


他,是恐惧的化身;他,是黑暗的王子 。

二十世纪里第一个被小报捧红的他,是历史上最恶名昭彰,最神秘的连续杀人魔 。

在1888年的雾都伦敦,一个人称『杰克开膛手』的男子,在十个礼拜之内,连续犯下五桩惨绝人寰、充满仪式风格的杀人罪行,让整个城市陷入了无以消解的恐慌,到处弥漫著无从考究的猜测和耳语 。



开膛手杰克有这部电影吗有相关的电影,如来自地狱约翰尼·德普的还有一个挺老的电影,应该就有这两部 。


求Jack the Ripper开膛手杰克的英文资料Jack the Ripper is an alias given to an unidentified serial killer[1] active in the largely impoverished Whitechapel area and adjacent districts of London, England, in late 1888. The name originated in a letter sent to the London Central News Agency by someone claiming to be the murderer.

The victims were women earning income as prostitutes. Two of the victims' throats were cut, after which the bodies were mutilated. Theories suggest that the victims first were strangled, in order to silence them, which may explain the reported lack of blood at the crime scenes. The removal of internal organs from three of the victims led some officials at the time of the murders to propose that the killer possessed anatomical or surgical knowledge.[2]

Newspapers, whose circulation had been growing during this era,[3] bestowed widespread and enduring notoriety on the killer because of the savagery of the attacks and the failure of the police to capture the murderer (they sometimes missed him at the crime scenes by mere minutes).[4][5]

Because the killer's identity has never been confirmed, the legends surrounding the murders have become a combination of genuine historical research, folklore, and pseudohistory. Many authors, historians, and amateur detectives have proposed theories about the identity of the killer and his victims.

In the mid 19th century, England experienced a rapid influx of mainly Irish immigrants, who swelled the populations of both the largely poor English countryside and England's major cities. From 1882, Jewish refugees escaping the pogroms in Tsarist Russia and eastern Europe added to the overcrowding and the already worsening work and housing conditions.[4] London, especially the East End and the civil parish of Whitechapel, became increasingly overcrowded, resulting in the development of a massive economic underclass.[6] This endemic poverty drove many women to prostitution. In October 1888, the London Metropolitan Police estimated that there were 1,200 prostitutes "of very low class" resident in Whitechapel and about 62 brothels.[7] The economic problems were accompanied by a steady rise in social tensions. In 1886–1889, demonstrations by the hungry and unemployed were a regular feature of London policing.[4]

The murders most often attributed to Jack the Ripper occurred in the latter half of 1888, though the series of brutal killings in Whitechapel persisted at least until 1891. A number of the murders involved extremely gruesome acts, such as mutilation and evisceration, which were widely reported in the media. Rumours that the murders were connected intensified in September and October, when a series of media outlets and Scotland Yard received a series of extremely disturbing letters from a writer or writers purporting to take responsibility for some or all of the murders. One letter, received by George Lusk, of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, included a preserved human kidney. Mainly because of the extraordinarily brutal character of the murders, and because of media treatment of the events, the public came increasingly to believe in a single serial killer terrorizing the residents of Whitechapel, nicknamed "Jack the Ripper" after the signature on a postcard received by the Central News Agency. Although the investigation was unable to connect the later killings conclusively to the murders of 1888, the legend of Jack the Ripper solidified.

[edit] Known victims
Metropolitan Police files show that the investigation began in 1888 and eventually came to encompass eleven separate murders, stretching from 3 April 1888 to 13 February 1891, known in the police docket as the "Whitechapel murders".[8] In addition, authors and historians have connected at least seven other murders and violent attacks with Jack the Ripper. Among the eleven murders actively investigated by the police, five are almost universally agreed upon as the work of a single killer, collectively called the "canonical five" victims:

Mary Ann Nichols (nickname, "Polly"), killed Friday 31 August 1888. Her body was discovered by a man named Charles Cross at about 3:40 A.M. on the ground in front of a gated stable entrance in Buck's Row (now Durward Street), a back street in Whitechapel 200 yards from the London Hospital. Her throat was severed deeply by two cuts; the lower part of the abdomen was partly ripped open by a deep, jagged wound. There also were several incisions running across the abdomen, and three or four similar cuts on the right side caused by the same knife used violently and downwards.
Annie Chapman (maiden name, Eliza Ann Smith; nickname, "Dark Annie"), killed Saturday 8 September 1888. Her body was discovered about 6 A.M., lying on the ground near a doorway in the back yard of 29 Hanbury Street, Spitalfields. Like Mary Ann Nichols's, her throat was severed by two cuts, one deeper than the other. The abdomen was ripped entirely open and the uterus was removed.
Elizabeth Stride (nickname, "Long Liz"), killed Sunday 30 September 1888. Her body was discovered about 1 A.M., lying on the ground in Dutfield's Yard, off Berner Street (now Henriques Street) in Whitechapel. There was one clear-cut incision on the neck; the cause of death was massive blood loss from the nearly severed main artery on the left side. The cut through the tissues on the right side was more superficial, and tapered off below the right jaw. That there also were no mutilations to the abdomen has left some uncertainty about the identity of Elizabeth's murderer, along with the suggestion her killer was disturbed during the attack.
Catherine Eddowes (also known as "Kate Conway" and "Mary Ann Kelly," from the surnames of her two common-law husbands, Thomas Conway and John Kelly), killed Sunday 30 September 1888 (the same day as the previous victim, Elizabeth Stride). Her body was found in Mitre Square, in the City of London. The throat was, as in the former two cases, severed by two cuts; the abdomen was ripped open by a long, deep, jagged wound. The left kidney and the major part of the uterus had been removed. She was 46. Her murder, and the murder of Elizabeth Stride would go on to be called "The Double Event," in the media, and across London.
Mary Jane Kelly (called herself "Marie Jeanette Kelly" after a trip to Paris; nickname, "Ginger"), killed Friday 9 November 1888. Her gruesomely mutilated body was discovered shortly after 10:45 A.M., lying on the bed in the single room where she lived at 13 Miller's Court, off Dorset Street, Spitalfields. Her throat had been severed down to the spine, and her abdomen virtually emptied of its organs. Her heart was missing.

Wanted poster issued by the police during the 'autumn of terror', 1888.The authority of this list rests on a number of authors' opinions, but historically the idea has been based upon the 1894 notes of Sir Melville Macnaghten, Chief Constable of the Metropolitan Police Service Criminal Investigation Department.[4] Macnaghten did not join the force until the year after the murders; and his memorandum, which came to light in 1959, contains serious factual errors about possible suspects. There is considerable disagreement about the value of Macnaghten's assessment of the number of victims. Some researchers have posited that the series may not have been the work of a single murderer, but of an unknown larger number of killers acting independently. Authors Stewart P. Evans and Donald Rumbelow argue that the "canonical five" is a "Ripper myth" and that the probable number of victims could range from three (Nichols, Chapman, and Eddowes) to six (the previous three, plus Stride, Kelly, and Martha Tabram) or more. Macnaghten's opinion of which crimes were committed by the same killer was not shared by other investigating officers, such as Inspector Frederick Abberline.[9]

Except Stride, whose attack may have been interrupted, mutilations of the "canonical five" victims became increasingly severe as the series of murders proceeded. Nichols and Stride were not missing any organs; but Chapman's uterus was taken, and Eddowes had her uterus and a kidney carried away and her face mutilated. While only Kelly's heart was missing from her crime scene, many of her internal organs were removed and left in her room.

The "canonical five" murders were generally perpetrated in the dark of night, on or close to a weekend, in a secluded site to which the public could gain access, and on a pattern of dates either at the end of a month or a week or so after. Yet every case differed from this pattern in some manner. Besides the differences already mentioned, Eddowes was the only victim killed within the City of London, though close to the boundary between the City and the metropolis. Nichols was the only victim to be found on an open street, albeit a dark and deserted one. Many sources state that Chapman was killed after the sun had started to rise, though that was not the opinion of the police or the doctors who examined the body.[10] Kelly's murder ended six weeks of inactivity for the murderer. (A week elapsed between the Nichols and Chapman murders; three between Chapman and the "double event".)

The large number of horrific attacks against women during this era adds some uncertainty as to exactly how many victims were killed by the same man. Most experts point to deep throat slashes, abdominal and genital-area mutilation, removal of internal organs, and progressive facial mutilations as the distinctive features of Jack the Ripper's modus operandi.

[edit] Other victims in the Whitechapel murder file
Six other Whitechapel murders were investigated by the Metropolitan Police at the time, two of which occurred before the "canonical five" and four after. Figures involved in the investigation and later authors have attributed some of these to Jack the Ripper.

These two murders occurred before the "canonical five":

Emma Elizabeth Smith was attacked on Osborn Street, Whitechapel, on 3 April 1888; a blunt object was inserted into her vagina. She survived the attack and walked back to her lodging-house. Friends brought her to a hospital, where she told police that she was attacked by two or three men, one of whom was a teenager. She fell into a coma and died on 5 April 1888.[9] According to Dr. G. H. Hillier, attending surgeon at the London Hospital, the injuries indicated use of great force, which caused a rupture of the peritoneum and other internal organs, this led to peritonitis, which he deemed the cause of death.[11]
Martha Tabram (name sometimes misspelled Tabran; maiden name, Martha White; alias, Emma Turner), killed 7 August 1888. She had a total of 39 stab wounds. Of the non-canonical Whitechapel murders, Tabram is named most often as another possible Ripper victim, because of the evident lack of obvious motive, the geographic and periodic proximity to the canonical attacks, and the attack's remarkable savagery. The main difficulty in including Tabram is that the killer used a somewhat different method (stabbing, rather than slashing the throat and then cutting); but it is now accepted that a serial killer's method can change, sometimes quite dramatically.[citation needed] Her body was found at George Yard Buildings, George Yard, Whitechapel.[9]
These four murders happened after the "canonical five":

Rose Mylett (true name probably Catherine Mylett, but was also known as Catherine Millett, Elizabeth "Drunken Lizzie" Davis, "Fair" Alice Downey, or simply "Fair Clara") was reportedly strangled "by a cord drawn tightly round the neck" on 20 December 1888, though some investigators believed that she had accidentally suffocated herself on the collar of her dress while in a drunken stupor. Her body was found in Clarke's Yard, High Street, Poplar.
The discovery of the Pinchin Street torso on 10 September 1889 prompted renewed speculation as to the identity of Jack the Ripper: cover of the 21 September 1889, issue of Puck magazine, by cartoonist Tom Merry.Alice McKenzie (nicknamed "Clay Pipe" Alice and sometimes used the alias Alice Bryant), a prostitute, was killed on 17 July 1889. She reportedly died from "severance of the left carotid artery", but several minor bruises and cuts were found on the body. Her body was found in Castle Alley, Whitechapel. Police Commissioner James Monro initially believed this to be a Ripper murder and one of the pathologists examining the body, Dr Bond, agreed, though later writers have been more circumspect. Evans and Rumbelow suggest that the unknown murderer tried to make it look like a Ripper killing to deflect suspicion from himself.[9]
"The Pinchin Street Torso" – a headless and legless torso of a woman found under a railway arch in Pinchin Street, Whitechapel on 10 September 1889. The mutilations were similar to the body which was the subject of the "The Whitehall Mystery", though in this case the hands were not severed. It seems probable that the murder had been committed elsewhere and that parts of the dismembered body were dumped at the crime scene.[9] Speculation, at the time, that the remains were of Lydia Hart, a prostitute who had recently disappeared, was disproved when she was soon located in a local infirmary where she was receiving medical treatment to cure the after effects of a "bit of a spree". The identity of the victim was never established. "The Whitehall Mystery" and "The Pinchin Streets Murderer" have been suggested to be part of a series of murders, called the "Thames Mysteries" or "Embankment Murders", committed by a single serial killer, dubbed the "Torso Killer".[12][13] Whether Jack the Ripper and the "Torso Killer" were the same person or separate serial killers active in the same area has long been debated.[14] The Pinchin Street murder prompted a revival of interest in the Ripper—manifested in an illustration from "Puck" showing the Ripper, from behind, looking in a mirror at alternate reflections embodying current speculation as to whom he might be: a doctor, a cleric, a woman, a Jew, a bandit or a policeman.[9]
Frances Coles (also known as Frances Coleman, Frances Hawkins and nicknamed "Carrotty Nell") was killed on 13 February 1891. Minor wounds on the back of the head suggest that she was thrown violently to the ground before her throat was cut. Otherwise there were no mutilations to the body. Her body was found under a railway arch at Swallow Gardens, Whitechapel. A man named James Thomas Sadler, seen earlier with her, was arrested by the police and charged with her murder and was briefly thought to be the Ripper himself. However he was discharged from court due to lack of evidence on 3 March 1891. After this eleventh and last "Whitechapel Murder" the case was closed.[9]

[edit] Other alleged Ripper victims
In addition to the eleven murders officially investigated by the Metropolitan Police as part of the Ripper investigation, various Ripper historians have at times suggested a number of other contemporary attacks as possibly being connected to the same serial killer. In some cases, the records are not clear if the murders had even occurred or if the stories were fabricated later as a part of Ripper lore.

"Fairy Fay," a nickname for an unknown murder victim allegedly found on 26 December 1887 with "a stake thrust through her abdomen". It has been suggested that "Fairy Fay" was a creation of the press based upon confusion of the details of the murder of Emma Elizabeth Smith with a separate non-fatal attack the previous Christmas.[15] The name of "Fairy Fay" was first used for this alleged victim in 1950.[16] There were no recorded murders in Whitechapel at or around Christmas 1886 or 1887, and later newspaper reports that included a Christmas 1887 killing conspicuously did not list the Smith murder. Most authors agree that "Fairy Fay" never existed.[15][17]

Annie Millwood, born c. 1850, reportedly the victim of an attack on 25 February 1888. She was admitted to hospital with "numerous stabs in the legs and lower part of the body". She was discharged from hospital but died from apparently natural causes on 31 March 1888.[17]

Ada Wilson, reportedly the victim of an attack on 28 March 1888, resulting in two stabs in the neck. She survived the attack.

Whitehall mystery of October 1888"The Whitehall Mystery", a term coined for the headless torso of a woman found in the basement of the new Metropolitan Police headquarters being built in Whitehall on 2 October 1888. An arm belonging to the body had previously been discovered floating in the River Thames near Pimlico, and one of the legs was subsequently discovered buried near where the torso was found. The other limbs and head were never recovered and the body never identified.

Annie Farmer, born c. 1848, reportedly was the victim of an attack on 21 November 1888. She survived with only a superficial cut on her throat, apparently caused by a blunt knife. Police suspected that the wound was self-inflicted and did not investigate the case further.

Elizabeth Jackson, a prostitute whose various body parts were collected from the River Thames between 31 May and 25 June 1889. She was reportedly identified by scars she had had prior to her disappearance and apparent murder.

Carrie Brown (nicknamed "Shakespeare",[18] reportedly for quoting William Shakespeare's sonnets) was killed 24 April 1891 in Manhattan, New York City. She was strangled with clothing and then mutilated with a knife. Her body was found with a large tear through her groin area and superficial cuts on her legs and back. No organs were removed from the scene, though an ovary was found upon the bed. Whether it was purposely removed or unintentionally dislodged during the mutilation is unknown. At the time, the murder was compared to those in Whitechapel though the Metropolitan Police eventually ruled out any connection.[19]

[edit] Investigation

Inspector Abberline from an 1888 newspaperThe surviving Whitechapel Murders police files allow a quite detailed view of investigative procedure in Victorian times. A large team of policemen conducted house-to-house inquiries, lists of suspects were drawn up and many were interviewed, forensic material was collected and examined. A close reading of the investigation shows a basic process of identifying suspects, tracing them and deciding whether to examine them more closely or to cross them off the list. This is still the pattern of a major inquiry today.[20] The investigation was initially conducted by Whitechapel (H) Division C.I.D. headed by Detective Inspector Edmund Reid. After the Nichols murder, Detective Inspectors Frederick Abberline, Henry Moore, and Walter Andrews were sent from Central Office at Scotland Yard to assist. After the Eddowes murder, which occurred within the City of London, the City Police under Detective Inspector James McWilliam were also engaged. However, overall direction of the murder enquiries was confused and hampered by the fact that the newly appointed head of the CID, Sir Robert Anderson, was on leave in Switzerland between 7 September and 15 October, during which time Chapman, Stride and Eddowes were killed. This prompted the Chief Commissioner of the Met., Sir Charles Warren, to appoint Superintendent Donald Swanson to coordinate the enquiry from Scotland Yard. Swanson's notes on the case survive and are a valuable record of the investigation.[4]



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