
Purpose is either belong to the kangaroo kangaroo marsupials ,  mainly distributed in the Australian continent and parts of Papua New Guinea.
袋鼠是任一种属于袋鼠目的有袋动物  , 主要分布于澳大利亚大陆和巴布亚新几内亚的部分地区 。
Some species in Australia unique to different types of kangaroos in Australia in a variety of natural environment life ,  from the cool climate of the rainforest and the desert plains to tropical region is the kangaroo jumps highest furthest mammals.
有些种类为澳大利亚独有 不同种类的袋鼠在澳大利亚各种不同的自然环境中生活 , 从凉性气候的雨林和沙漠平原到热带地区 袋鼠是跳得最高最远的哺乳动物 。
Kangaroos are herbivores that eat a variety of plants and some eat fungi. They are mostly nocturnal ,  but some are active in the early morning or evening.
【袋鼠的英语作文】袋鼠是食草动物 , 吃多种植物 , 有的还吃真菌类 。它们大多在夜间活动 , 但也有些在清晨或傍晚活动 。