variants 翻译variants翻译成中文是变种;变体;变形 。
双语例句 1、Scientists concerned about new Covid-19 variants 。
科学家对新冠病毒新变种表示担忧 。
2、Researchers are getting more concerned about the new variants of the Covid-19 。
variant和variety有什么区别啊?n.(词等的)变体,(字音的)转讹;[生]变种,变异体;变形,变量,转化;[统]变式 adj.变异的;不同的,相异的,不一致的;多样的;易变的,不定的 复数:variants variety 英 [vəˈra= 。

transcript variant 是什么意思n.(词等的)变体,(字音的)转讹; [生]变种,变异体; 变形,变量,转化; [统]变式;adj.变异的; 不同的,相异的,不一致的; 多样的; 易变的,不定的;复数:variants 例句:1.Intel has also been promoting a 。
variant中文翻译The term depct andvariantsthereof are used in civil law systems for civil wrongs .不法侵害及其变化的术语在民法制度中被用于民事侵权行为上 。
Thosevariantsequip an organi *** specially well to cope 。

基本概念:variant,snp,allele【variants的翻译,VARIANT使用 数组】In the genome, alleles at variants close together on the same chromosome tend to occur together more often than is expected by chance. These blocks of alleles are called haplotypes.Linkage disequilibrium(LD 。
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