“责任感”用英语怎么说啊?Sense of responsibility.责任感是一个词组.如果你想说:他很有责任感.可以这样说:He has a strong sense of responsibility.
请问“责任感”用英语怎么说,谢谢责任感:1.sense of responsibility 2.the call for duty 3.feeling of responsibility 4.consciousness of responsibility Examples:1. 童年的艰苦生活使他提早形成了一种过早具有的责任感 。
Childhood hardships matured in him。

用英文形容一个人很有责任感怎么说?最好有两种说法,一种是用形容词,一种使用名词英文形容责任感的单词比较单一,一般只用responsible 。
responsible:读作[rɪˈspɑ:nsəbl] ,意思是,负有责任的;尽责的;承担责任;懂道理的,形容词属性 。
responsibility:读作[rɪˌspɑ:ns& 。
责任感英语短语政治责任感 political responsibility ;无责任感 irresponsibility 企业责任感 Corporate Accountability 事业心和责任感 Dedication and sense of responsibility 展示责任感 show commitment 道义责任感 sense of moral responsibility。

翻译在线等--责任感,使命感,爱岗敬业,勇于奉献英语怎么说啊这几个词?有追加责任感 feeling of responsibility 责任感 consciousness of responsibility 责任感 a sense of duty 使命感 sense of vocation 使命感 sense of their mission 勇于奉献 be brave in devotion。
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