坐火车的英文单词4. It's better for you to go by boat than by train. 你与其坐火车,不如坐船.5. We convinced Anne to go by train rather than plane. 我们说服了安妮放弃乘飞机而坐火车走.6. The old man went to Beijing 。
乘火车英文的三种形式乘火车英文的三种形式:by train;take the train;take a train;扩展资料We chose to go by train.我们选择乘火车去 。
If driving tires you, take the train 如果开车觉得累,就乘火车吧 。
Then I。

坐火车英语怎么说?take the train 坐火车 [zuò huǒ chē]by train by train take the train take a train Taking the train 坐着火车游英国 Great British Railway Journeys OST 所以她坐上火车 So she took a train 坐火车回家 take 。
坐火车的英语怎么说?英文是:by train 重点词汇:train 英[treɪn]释义:n.火车;行列;长队;裙裾 v.培养;训练;瞄准 n.(Train)人名;(英)特雷恩;(法)特兰;(意)特拉因 [复数:trains;第三人称单数:trains;现在分词 。

英语中乘坐交通工具有哪几种表达方法【坐火车英语翻译,坐火车英语过去式】坐火车by train/take a train 坐飞机 by air、by plane、Taking an Airplane、take a plane、Flying 步行 on foot 坐船by ship、take a boat、by water 坐公共汽车take a bus 坐汽车by car 坐出租汽车take a taxi。
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