piety怎么读piety音标为:英[ˈpaɪəti]美[ˈpaɪəti] 。
英英释义:noun [U] 虔诚 the state of having or showing a deep respect for sb/sth, especially for God and religion; the。
Biety读音,音标piety:英[ˈpaɪəti];美[ˈpaɪɪti] 。
释义:虔诚,虔敬 。
例:Known for her piety, she would walk miles to attend communion services in the neighbouring villages.她的虔诚是出 。
仁义礼智信,忠孝廉耻勇 英语怎么翻译那位高手来试试看 仁义礼智信,忠孝廉耻勇 英语该怎么翻译呢??义:righteousness 礼:propriety,ritual,rite 智:wisdom,wit 信:fidelity 五德:温良恭俭让 温:benign 良:upright 恭:courteous 俭:temperate 让:complaisant 五行:忠孝廉耻勇 忠:faithfulness 孝:filial piety, 。
新视野大学英语(第三版)第二册课后翻译答案及原文?Filial piety is fundamental to the ancient "Oriental civilization".Unit 4原文:Valentine's Day on February 14 is celebrated in various American and European countries. It is a holiday of love and romance usually by。
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