competively,competive price

competitive和competive的区别competitive和competive的区别在于读音不同,词义不同和用法不同 。
1.competitive 英 [kəm'petɪtɪv]美 [kəm'pɛtətɪv]adj. 竞争的;比赛的;求胜心切的 [ 比较级 mo 。
竞争优势 用英语怎么讲 。【competively,competive price】竞争优势 。
用英语怎么讲competive advantage.

competively,competive price

动词不定式放句子开始和动词ING形式放句子开始有区别么当然有区别 。
to do 放句首通常带有目的性,表示“要 。的话”,(就必须 。) 。
例如:To make China competive in the area of high-tech, we must endeavor to develop science and technology。
要使中国在高科技 。
全面的 英文翻译全面的,用英语怎么说?全面的comprehensive 。
英[ˌkɒmprɪˈhensɪv] 。
美[ˌkɑmprɪˈhɛnsɪv] 。
1、全面的comprehensive 。
[例句]America needs a more comprehensive strategy to combat 。
competively,competive price

外贸函电翻译,求高手 。尊敬的先生:非常感谢你方10月1号的来信,告知我们你方市场中其他供货的信 。Dear Sir,Thank you very much for your letterOct. 1th. We are noticed that you have other choice in your market.As you know, the market is very competive that we have make it at our bottom price 。