痰的英语翻译 痰用英语怎么说痰 [生理] phlegm;[生理] sputum更多释义>> [网络短语]痰Phlegm;phlegm;sputum 吐痰Spitting;spit;spitting 血痰Bloody sputum;hemosputum;o
痰的英文怎么表达喉咙有痰的英文怎么表达???mucus: 痰 (最常用的表示痰的词)phlegm: 粘痰 = thick mucus sputum: 唾液;痰
sputum和phlegm的区别?请不要复制词典的内容!最好给出一些例子来,谢谢!sputum noun [U] SPECIALIZED liquid from the passages in your body which go to the lungs phlegm (SUBSTANCE)noun [U]a thick mucus that is produced especially when you have a cold Basically the meaning is ex 。
白色粘痰用字母什么表示phlegm 。
分词翻译:粘的英语翻译:mucosity;paste;stick;viscidity【建】mucopeptide痰的英语翻译:phlegm;sputum【医】expectoration;sputamentum;sputhum痰是呼吸道受刺激后所分泌的液体 。
痰中含有黏液、病原微生物、炎症细胞、 。
中医术语“痰湿”或“痰“确切英语翻译是?急!【phlegmatic,phlegm怎么读】痰湿 tan2 shi1 (tan shi): phlegm-damp 痰就是phlegm 参考资料:中医英汉大词典
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