peddler是什么意思,peddlers display

销售员 用英语怎么说【peddler是什么意思,peddlers display】售货员英文有:salesperson、salesclerk 单词解析:1、salesperson 读音:英 ['seɪlzpɜːsn]美 ['seɪlzpɜːrsn]n. 售货员,销售员 The salesperson gave him a bottle of ink 。.

peddler是什么意思,peddlers display

街边小贩英语怎么说街边小贩 peddler on the streets peddler的解释为person who travels from place to place selling goods at fairs, etc 学长 senior shoolmate
销售人员英语怎么说?售货员英文有:salesperson、salesclerk 单词解析:1、salesperson 读音:英 ['seɪlzpɜːsn]美 ['seɪlzpɜːrsn]n. 售货员,销售员 The salesperson gave him a bottle of ink 。.
peddler是什么意思,peddlers display

“买菜”用英语怎么说?peddler /ˈped.lɚ/(尤指旧时沿街叫卖的)小贩 Tom's always busy as a peddler working on some project or another.汤姆总是像小贩一样忙着做某个项目 。
hawker /ˈhɑː.kɚ/ 小商贩 。