脱离翻译成英语⑨disengage 指挥官使第一连脱离战斗 。
The commander disengaged the first company.
deactivate是什么意思deactivate 释义:v.使(仪器等)停止工作;使(化学过程)灭活化(或减活化、钝化)读音:英 [ˌdiːˈæktɪveɪt]美 [ˌdiːˈæktɪveɪt]单词 。
请问像dislike一样表否定意思的肯定句用法的词还有哪些?Disencumber Disengage Dishonor Disillusion Disinfect Disinflate Disinherit Disintegrate Disinterest Dismantle Dismount Disobey Disorder Disorganize Disown Disprove Disrepute Dissatisfy 等等。
超人特工队,需要翻译我在很多英语网站发过,就是无人问津,只好在这试试了,就是大片中文叫‘ 。17.India Golf niner-niner transmitting in the blind guard.Disengage! Repeat, disengage!18.Mayday, mayday! India Golf niner-niner is buddy-spiked!Abort! Abort! There are children aboard, say again, there are。
求翻译,求翻译Parents and children can disengage from communication as a strategi 。Parents and children can disengage from communication as a strategic tool to renegotiate and realign their relationship toward a structure that is less authoritarian and more egalitarian. At the same time,。
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