
初中英语作文范文优秀五篇初中英语作文范文1 Study has been the necessary part of human's life. Many students take it astheir duty and they don't realize the meaning of study. Most people believe thatthe purpose of study is。
初中英语作文范文10篇【初三英语作文范文10篇,初中英语作文范文10篇80词】初中 英语 作文 篇1请以“…Make(s) Me So Happy”为题写一篇英语短文 。
Social Work Makes Me So Happy Why so many young people are not happy in modern society?But even so ,you can find many merry things if you 。


初中英语作文优秀范文10篇带翻译对于不会写英语作文的同学,我建议大家经常阅读一些优秀的作文范文 。
接下来给大家分享10篇带翻译的优秀初中英语作文,供参考 。
1.独自生活:live aloneIt was the second day of our summer holiday. I felt good. I felt I am fr 。
初中英语作文范文80词初中英语作文范文1 Jack is in middle school now. As his parents are busy with their business,so Jack often makes mistakes. Jack's teacher has talked to his parents manytimes, but they thought it was 。

初中英语作文范文100词五篇初中英语作文范文1 I like to make friends and I have a lot of friends. We always play togetherand we make up a small group. So even though my parents are very busy, I am notfeeling lonely.。