

1、考试的时候监考老师就 坐在我旁边,我姨妈巾垫的不是很舒适,偷偷拽着裤子想挪一下,老师让我拿出来 。The invigilator sat next to me during the exam. My aunt's towel pad was not very comfortable. She secretly pulled her pants to move them. The teacher asked me to take them out.
2、我一直有一个小梦想,希望开学的时候老师跟我说,来就来了,带什么作业 。I always have a little dream. I hope that when the school starts, the teacher will tell me that he will come and bring me some homework.
3、上数学课的时候,老师提人回答问题,全班人都举手了,就小明没举手,老师:“小明,你往返答一下 。”小明:“老师,你是步步高点读机吗?哪里不会点哪里?”In math class, when the teacher asked someone to answer the question, the whole class raised their hands, but Xiao Ming didn't raise his hand. The teacher said, "Xiao Ming, please answer." Xiao Ming: "teacher, are you a step-by-step reader? Where can't I order? "
4、教大家一个辨别方向的小技巧,张开嘴前后左右四个方向分别停留30秒,能吃饱的那个方向就是西北了 。Teach you a small skill to identify the direction, open your mouth before and after the left and right four directions respectively stay 30 seconds, can eat that direction is northwest.
5、我爸过年让我带女朋友回家吃顿团圆饭,我说还是算了,又要加一桌,我怕她们打起来 。My father asked me to take my girlfriend home for a reunion dinner during the Spring Festival. I said I'd better forget it and add another table. I'm afraid they will fight.
6、假如你前女友和现女友同时掉进水里,那我能离你这个扫把星远一点吗?If your ex and current girlfriend fall into the water at the same time, can I stay away from you?
7、我已经长大了,所以在我拒绝压岁钱的时候,你就把钱直接塞在我口袋里,记住,动作要快 。I've grown up, so when I refuse lucky money, you just put it in my pocket. Remember, move fast.
8、假如和你聊的很好的网友忽然间不理你了,那你要好好反思,是不是在朋友圈发自拍了?If the netizen who chats well with you suddenly ignores you, then you need to reflect on it. Are you taking a selfie in your circle of friends?
9、在路上看见一位老爷爷提着很重的东西,我口误说了句,老东西,大爷来给你提 。On the road, I saw an old man carrying a heavy thing. I made a mistake and said, old man, I'll bring it to you.
10、没人送你礼物,你可以找我,只要你开口,我一定会告诉你要自己攒钱买 。No one gives you a gift, you can find me, as long as you open your mouth, I will tell you to save money to buy.