大家好,小耶来为大家解答以上的问题 。卢卡斯威廉这个很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!
1、LucasTill原名:卢卡斯·威廉·提尔Lucas William Till性别:男 Male身高:178cm 5ft10体重:61kg发色:金色 Blonde眼睛:蓝色 Blue人种:高加索 Caucasion生日及出生地:1990年8月10日于美国德克萨斯州的Fort Hood 演艺事业: 影片2010:The Spy Next Door (role as Larry)2009:You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift MV)The Lost and Found Family (role as Justin)Hannah Montana the Movie: Back to Tennessee (role asTravis Brody)Laid to Rest (role as Store Clerk)2008:Dance of the Dead (role as Jensen)2006:Not Like Everyone Else (role as Kyle Kenney)The Other Side (young Samuel North)2005:Walk the Line (role as Jack Cash)Painting Me in (young Madison)2004:Pee Shy (Chad)Lightning Bug (Jay Graves)2003:The Adventures of Ociee Nash电视2010:Blue Mountain State (role as Golden Arm)Fear Clinic (role as Brett)2009:Medium (role as Adam 2009)2008:House (role as Simon 2008)Joint Custory广告及预告Habro Holiday 2004GOODY’sTouchstone EnergyKZLA Radio “Country Kids”Harry Potter PROMOTop of the Class PROMO戏剧Naked TV ”A B那个男演员只是一个默默无闻的男演员而已他在mv中演出 演taylor的好朋友abigail的男朋友歌词中说道 abigail gave him everything she could, but he changed his mind 说的就是这个男孩那个都是群众演员吧 。
2、那个fifteen没什么很具体的故事情节 。
【卢卡斯威廉】3、你要是问具体一个人找不出名字来的 。
4、LucasTill他原来演过汉娜,与TAYLOR成为好朋友,不要担心是不是TAYLOR的恋人啦,只是朋友,他还参加了TAYLOR的YOU BELONG WITH ME的MV 。
5、下面是他的简介原名:卢卡斯·威廉·提尔Lucas William Till性别:男 Male身高:178cm 5ft10体重:61kg发色:金色 Blonde眼睛:蓝色 Blue人种:高加索 Caucasion生日及出生地:1990年8月10日于美国德克萨斯州的Fort Hood演艺事业: 影片2010:The Spy Next Door (role as Larry)2009:You Belong With Me (Taylor Swift MV)The Lost and Found Family (role as Justin)Hannah Montana the Movie: Back to Tennessee (role asTravis Brody)Laid to Rest (role as Store Clerk)2008:Dance of the Dead (role as Jensen)2006:Not Like Everyone Else (role as Kyle Kenney)The Other Side (young Samuel North)2005:Walk the Line (role as Jack Cash)Painting Me in (young Madison)2004:Pee Shy (Chad)Lightning Bug (Jay Graves)2003:The Adventures of Ociee Nash电视2010:Blue Mountain State (role as Golden Arm)Fear Clinic (role as Brett)2009:Medium (role as Adam 2009)2008:House (role as Simon 2008)Joint Custory广告及预告Habro Holiday 2004GOODY’sTouchstone EnergyKZLA Radio “Country Kids”Harry Potter PROMOTop of the Class PROMO戏剧Naked TV ”A B 。
本文到此分享完毕 , 希望对大家有所帮助 。
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