介绍旅游景点的ppt 介绍旅游景点的ppt怎么做


  • 1、介绍旅游景点的ppt怎么做
  • 2、关于旅游的ppt
  • 3、请求一份有关旅游介绍景点的英语PPT,要上台演讲的,纯粹是一次作业形式,时间大约2 到3分钟……
  • 4、天津有什么比较有名的旅游景点,要做成PPT来讲,不能太多,但要有代表性
  • 5、求PPT ....急求 。。。要关于介绍一个湖北旅游景点的,,,多谢,[email protected] 急急急
  • 6、求ppt关于介绍松江的一个旅游的景点要有图有文字
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导游主要分为中文导游和外语导游 。其主要工作内容为引导游客感受山水之美,解决旅途中可能出现的突发事件,并给予游客食、宿、行等方面的帮助 。
关于旅游的ppt1 北京南站坐动车,就是D字头的列车.309的二等座.将近10个小时左右.
2 如家 7天连锁都可以,具体可在网上搜一下并提前预订
3 苏州园林就够你玩的了,有时间可以去附近的无锡转转
4 阳澄湖大闸蟹 碧螺春
5 苏州站
请求一份有关旅游介绍景点的英语PPT,要上台演讲的,纯粹是一次作业形式,时间大约2 到3分钟……Huangshan Mountain is inAnhui province and is one of China's ten best-known scenic spots, It is famous fou the four wonders---- odd-shaped pines, grotesque rock formation, seas of clouds and crystal-clear hot springs. Mount Huangshan is also Known as the No. 1 Mountain Under heaven,
There is plentiful rainfall in Huangshan Mountain. so there are thick forests.the forests provide the natural habitat for a lot of animals. such as monkeys, goats, deer etc.
Mt. Huangshan's climate isneither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter, the temperature is agreeable all the year round .
Today Mt. Huangshan is a world-famous tourist attraction. millions of visitors come to visit it .
天津有什么比较有名的旅游景点,要做成PPT来讲,不能太多,但要有代表性『海河』海河起自天津市西部的金钢桥,东至大沽口入海,全长70多公里,横贯天津市区 。流域面积26.5万平方公里,是子牙河、大清河、南运河、北运河、永定河5大水系的入海通道,兼有排涝、蓄水、供水、航运、旅游和环境保护等综合功能 。海河是天津人的母亲河,也是天津的象征 。天津人日常生活闲逛、休憩的地方都离不开海河两岸,新型的建筑物以及游乐地点都围绕在夹岸两旁 。海河两岸是一览天津人面貌的最佳地带 。
『鼓楼』鼓楼是旧时天津“三宗宝”之一,位于天津老城中心,紧邻闻名遐迩的广东会馆,周围与国内外著名的古文化街、天后宫、吕祖堂等景点相辉映,形成了浓郁的地方文化氛围 。重新修复后的鼓楼举办了与天津历史有关的各种展览,如天津危改展览、天津住宅发展史展览——展出金、元、明、清、近代、解放前几个历史时期本市住宅的发展变迁史,此外还开辟了天津风貌和名人名居展览,集中展示了70多处典型建筑和名人名居等 。
『古文化街』古文化街由宫南、宫北大街和宫前广场三部分组成,全长580米,天后宫位于全街的中心 。全街建筑面积2200平方米,全部建筑为砖木结构,是目前天津市最大的一处仿古建筑群 。建筑格调为“仿清、民间、小式”的风格,配有油漆彩画、砖雕、木雕 。街的南北两口各新建仿清式牌楼一座,全街有商店近百遥 纳唐烦 哂刑旖虻胤教氐愕难盍 嗄昊 ⒛嗳苏挪仕堋⑻旖蚍珞荨⒓糁健⑷蘧罨ㄒ酝猓 褂腥 鞯氐纳贤蛑置 殴ひ掌贰⑽幕 闷芬约拔奈锕磐妗⑼际樽只 取1还 衣糜尉秩范ㄎ 呗糜尉暗恪?br
『石家大院』位于西青区杨柳青镇,是清代津门八大家之一石万程第四子石元士旧宅 。始建于1875年,占地6000多平方米,由大、小四进院落组成,规模宏大,建造精巧,有“华北第一宅”之称 。现辟为杨柳青民俗博物馆 。藏有大量杨柳青年画、泥人张彩塑、砖雕等民间艺术珍品 。同时,石家大院内还设有石府戏楼,是中国北方最大的戏楼 。
『五大道小洋楼』天津有近千幢漂亮的小洋楼,古旧韵味引人入胜,英式、法式、德式、俄式、意式等各种不同风格的建筑物争奇斗妍,天津又被称为“世界建筑博物馆” 。这些小洋楼集中在五大道(成都道、重庆道、睦南道、大理道、常德道) 。当时,一些西方人、皇亲国戚、巨商富贾把天津视为建立“小公馆”和别墅的理想地点 。天津这些小洋楼,几乎都有近百年的历史 。
『海河意式风情区』座落在河北区南端,曾是天津近代史上意大利租借地的中心区,已有近百年历史,原有街区及建筑基本保持原貌,是至今中国乃至东北亚地区最大的也是唯一的意大利文化集中地 。在这个区域的周围有诸多著名的近代和现代历史名人故居,有梁启超饮冰室、李叔同故居、曹禺故居和袁世凯、冯国璋宅邸等 。『蓟县风光』蓟县居津京唐承四市的腹心,古称渔阳,是天津的历史文化古城,境内山青水秀、峰峦叠翠、名胜古迹遍布全县 。有闻名遐迩的盘山、黄崖关长城、翠屏湖、石趣园、辽代白塔、唐代独乐寺;还有以“八仙”在此野餐小憩的神话故事命名的八仙山、号称“天津第一高峰”的九山顶、有观赏与科研价值的中上元古界地层剖面、水伴石生的大峡谷 。
『七里海国家级自然保护区』七里海是1992年经国务院批准建立的国家级海洋类型自然保护区,位于宁河县西北部,是海退后形成的古泻湖潮洼地 。潮白河南北贯穿,将湿地分为东、西七里海,总面积约为9500公顷 。七里海生物物种多样,是许多珍稀和濒危野生动物迁徙、栖息、繁殖的基地 。水生植物涉及12群落,植物200多种,国家保护三类植物3种,主要植物为芦苇;动物有100多种,其中国家保护一类动物11种,二类动物14种,国家重点保护鸟类达10多种 。
求PPT ....急求 。。。要关于介绍一个湖北旅游景点的,,,多谢,[email protected] 急急急大洪山风景名胜区看 点
景区内有99峰、61岩、42湖、99泉、3河、10瀑,形成了优美的湖光山色 。主峰宝珠峰海拔1055米,号称“楚北天空第一峰”;海拔840米的“白龙池”是中国的四大火山口之一;宝珠峰顶的“黄龙池”,泉水终年充盈,清滢透亮 。
导 游
大洪山风景名胜区位于随州市西南80余公里处的长岗镇,是国家级风景名胜区 。
介 绍
大洪山风景名胜区横卧江汉,气势磅礴,风光秀丽,拥有丰富的自然景观和人文景观 。
大洪山是一座天然的动植物宝库,森林覆盖率90%以上,拥有大片的原始森林群落;已知的动物品种中现有兽类11科17种,鸟类20科38种 。这些动植物构建了天然的公园,被人们称之为“武汉后花园” 。有“不倒翁”之称的千年古银杏,历经苍桑,是大洪山镇山之宝,是“华中第一树” 。
除了动人的自然风光,大洪山还拥有众多的人文景观 。千年古刹洪山寺坐落山中,明朝明玉珍起义、清末赵邦壁起义都曾在大洪山立寨,李先念、陶铸等老一辈革命家也都在这里留下了革命的足迹 。
绿林山风景区:是大洪杉风景名胜区的核心景区,绿林山风景区由五大区域、十大景点、几百个景观构成,独特神秘,奇妙无比 。包括以千年古兵寨为主要代表的绿林寨景区,以西线原始森林为代表的古朴神秘原始生态丛林和“亲情”游景区,以众多的瀑布群为代表的水石文化交织的“美人谷景区”,以天然石编钟为神奇特色的空山洞景区,以鄂中久享盛名、柔情蜿蜒6.7公里的鸳鸯溪漂流景区等 。
黄仙洞:是大洪山风景区的核心景点,有“不到黄仙洞,就没去大洪山”之说 。位于钟祥市境内,全长2000米,洞口高100米,宽70米 。洞内景点有“洞口避风”、“济公仰天”、“屈子行吟”、“仙鹤顶月”、“大鹏展翅”等数十处 。
洪山寺:分上下两院,上院位于宝珠峰顶,下院位于山麓南面,上下两院统称洪山禅寺 。上院奇峰寺始建于唐朝宝历二年(公元826年),下院万寿禅院始建于北宋绍圣年间(公元1094年—1097年) 。洪山寺是禅宗南宗曹洞宗发祥地之一,在佛教界享有盛誉 。
千年古银杏:在洪山禅寺下院前,传说是建寺院时和尚栽种的 。树高近30米,树杆粗围8.2米,直径2.61米,冠幅荫笼半亩余,五人环抱树腰还需多加一手 。
交 通
从武汉可乘火车或汽车直达随州,时间都在三个小时左右,然后在随州汽车站搭乘到长岗的班车,此外每天下午还有一趟直达景区的旅游专线 。
自驾车:从武汉上汉十高速,在均川开口下,即可到大洪山 。
景区内有几家不错的农家乐提供住宿、餐饮服务,如绿水庄园、龙珠山庄,标间40元/人左右,能品尝到具有大洪山地方特色的菜肴,如三黄鸡、野香菇、野木耳、各种野味、腊肉、干菜、腌菜等风味小吃,还能购买到各种土特产 。
求ppt关于介绍松江的一个旅游的景点要有图有文字Songjiang District
Lies in the southwest of Shanghai, Songjiang District covers 605 square kilometers with a registered population of 500,000. Sonjiang was formerly known as Huating(Yujian was another name for the district then)for Songjiang County was the very Huating County that was established in 751 (the 10th year under reign of Tian Bai of the Tang Dynasty). It was the political, economic and cultural center of shanghai before Shanghai was opened as a port to foreign countries and has been Songjiang District since 1998. Shanghai-Hangzhou Highway serves as the vertical axis of the New Songjiang City, which consists of two parts with the northern part built under the European style and the southern part constructed in the style of the constructions of the Ming and Qing Dynasties. Songjiang Universities City is located in the district.
Li Pagoda
Situated in Litahui Town of the western Sonjiang City, Li Pagoda is of brick and wood construction with 7 storeys. It was built by Li Ming, the 13th son of Li Shimin (Emperor Tang Tai Zong of the Tang Dynasty), according to a legend and thus the pagoda is named Li Pagoda. It was repaired and reconstructed in the Song, Yuan and Ming dynasties. There are about 200 Buddha statues of various sizes surrounding the body of the pagoda. The pagoda was reconstructed in 1997.
Toroni Sutra Stela
Toroni Sutra Stela, standing 9.3m high in Zhongshan Primary School of Songjiang District, is the oldest stela in Shanghai. It was built of 21 rocky blocks in 859 A. D. (the 13th year under reign of Da Zhong of the Tang Dynasty). It is grand and upright as a whole and delicate with the vivid sculptures.
Square Pagoda
The Square Pagoda was erected in the Northern Song Dynasty and had been reconstructed in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties for several times before it was rebuilt in 1975-1977. The 9-storey pagoda stands 42.5 meters high inheriting the style of Buddhist square pagoda of the Tang Dynasty and is acknowledged as the most beautiful ancient pagoda in the region south of the Yangtze River. On the west wall of the third floor are two Buddha mural paintings of the Song Dynasty and in the lowest floor is a small jade box in which lies a 40-cm-long bronze statue of the reclining Buddha Sakymuni accompanied with a silver box and tooth relics of Buddha as well as more than 100 coins of the Song Dynasty. A legendary creature named "Tan", which has deer antlers, dragon scale, lion tail, and ox hoofs, can be seen on the brick screen wall in the front of the pagoda.
The Brick Screen Wall
To the north of the Square Pagoda is a brick screen wall that is 4.75 meters in width and 6.1 meters in length. It was erected in 1370 (the 3rd year under reign of Hong Wu of the Ming Dynasty) and is the oldest and the best-preserved engraved brick work in Shanghai. On the wall there is a legendary creature named "Tan" which has deer antlers, dragon scale, lion tail, and ox hoofs and various paintings of auspicious implications. The vivid brick sculptures on the wall are all precious art works.
Songjiang Mosque
Songjiang Mosque, which is also named Zhenjiao Temple and Xianhe (immortal crane) Temple, is located on Middle Zhongshan Road of Songjiang Town in Songjiang District. Built in the period of Zhi Zheng of the Yuan Dynasty, it is one of the oldest mosques in existence in China. In the western side of the temple is the rectangle-shaped Bangke Chamber. Opposite to the west wing-rooms of the Bangke Chamber stands a chapel, which is of brick-and-wood structure under the style of the Ming Dynasty. Behind the chapel is an 8-meter-high kiln hall built in the Yuan Dynasty. It is a mosque with a combination of two architectural styles: the Arabic and the Chinese traditional, which features the style of constructions of the Qing and Ming Dynasties.
Huzhu Pagoda (the Leaning Pagoda)
Huzhu Pagoda, which is an octagonal construction standing on the middle peak of the Tianma Mountain in Songjiang District, was built of brick and wood structure in 1079(the 2nd year under reign of Yuan Feng in the Northern Song Dynasty). It is also called Baoguang (precious light) Pagoda for the she li (Buddhist relics) pearl stored in the pagoda gave lights occasionally according to the legend. It is recorded that a fire caused by the firecrackers burned for the Buddhist ceremony damaged the wood structure in 1788 (the 53rd year under reign of Qian Long of the Qing Dynasty) and the pagoda leaned since then. It is now leaning toward southeast at an angle of 6゜53', which is 1゜23' more in obliquity than the world famous leaning tower Pisa of Italy.
Dacang Bridge
Lies in the south of the Songjiang City, Dacang Bridge spans 50 meters long and 10 meters high over the river. It was formerly known as Yongfeng Bridge and later named Dacang Bridge for there was a storehouse to the south of the bridge. The five-arched bridge is one of the famous big stone bridges of the Ming Dynasty built in Shanghai.
No.1 Bridge in Yujian (another name of Songjiang)
Lies in the west of the city of Songjiang, the No.1 Bridge is also called Kuatang Bridge for it stretches across Putang River. It is recorded that the bridge was built with wood in the Song Dynasty and its large size won it the honor as the No. 1 bridge. It was reconstructed into a three-arched stone bridge with 10 meters in the height and 50 meters in the length in the period under reign of Cheng Hua in the Ming Dynasty. It was rebuilt in 1988.
Xilin Pagoda
To the east of Xita Lane, Middle Zhongshan Road in Songjiang County, stands a 40 meters high octagonal pagoda of brick and wood structure, which was formerly called Chong'en Pagoda and Yuanying Pagoda. The 7-storey pagoda is widely known as Xilin Pagoda for Xilin Temple lies beside. It was erected in the period under reign of Xian Chun of the Southern Song Dynasty (1265-1274) and was reconstructed in 1387 (the 20th year under reign of Hong Wu of the Ming Dynasty), 1613 (the 41st year under reign of Wan Li of the Ming Dynasty), 1793 (the 58th year under reign of Qian Long of the Qing Dynasty) and 1840 (the 20th year under reign of Dao Guang of the Qing Dynasty respectively. This elegant and exquisite pagoda is decorated with delicate brick statues of Buddha.
No.1 Building in Yujian (Songjiang was formerly known as Huating and Yujian)
The No.1 Building stood in the front of the site where the No. 2 Songjiang High School lies today. It is unknown when it was erected but it was acknowledged as the construction of the Yuan Dyanasty by authorities. It has been called the No. 1 Building in Yujian since the period of Tong Zhi of the Qing Dynasty for it was the largest one at that time according to the legend. Japanese soldiers damaged it in the period of the War of Resistance Against Japan (1937-1945) and only the frame was left. The frame was ruined by the gale of 1951 and the base can be found only today. It is one of the two palace-like buildings of post and lintel system kept in China.
Wangxian Bridge
Lies in the Square Pagoda Garden, Wangxian Bridge, which was built under the style of the Song Dynasty, is considered one of the oldest stone bridges in Shanghai. Supported by wood beams, the bridge is of simple structure with the bridge floor carved out of Wukang stones.
Baosu Hall
Built in the Ming Dynasty, the 30-meter-high Baosu Hall stands to the west of Xiuye Bridge, West Zhongshan Road in Songjiang District. It was once the location of a big ancient residence but now only Baosu Hall remains there. The board "Baosu Hall" once hung in the front of the hall is not in the existence today. According to the legend it was the residence of Xu Jiade, the head of Pinghu County in the Qing Dynasty, and so it is also named the Xu's Hall. The grand hall is richly ornamented.
Lanrui Hall
Lanrui Hall, which was removed into the Square Pagoda Garden in 1984, is a construction of the Ming Dynasty though the exact time when it was built is unknown. Many beams and posts of the simple and elegant hall are made of nanmu, so it is also named Nanmu Hall. The hall was the residence of Zhuchun, a grand coordinator of Jiangxi in the Qing Dynasty and so it is also known as the Zhu's Hall. The board "Lanrui Hall" hung in the hall, which was inscribed by Zhang Xianghe--a calligrapher of the Qing Dynasty, was damaged before and is not in the existence today.
Diaohua Hall
Formerly located in Sonjiang Underwear Factory at the end of Xita Lane in Songjiang Town, the Diaohua Hall was removed into the Zuibai Pond Garden in 1984. It is a construction of simple structure built in the Qing Dynasty with the beams and windows decorated with delicate woodcarvings of historic figures and stories. Most of the woodcarvings that are rare in the ancient constructions well preserved till today were damaged in the period of the so-called Cultural Revolution.
Square Pagoda Garden
Set up in 1978, the Square Pagoda Garden is located at 235 East Zhongshan Road in Songjiang District----the site of the center of the market of Huating in the period of the Tang and Song dynasties. It is a construction of 182 mus with a combination of the modern style and the features of the period of the Tang and the Song dynasties. Centers about the Square Pagoda built in the Song Dynasty, the garden has many famous constructions around such as Wangxian Bridge built in the Song Dynasty, Lanrui Hall built in the Ming Dynasty, Tianfei Palace set up in the Qing Dynasty, the brick screen wall, Chen Huacheng Temple and the ancient granite track road, Helou Xuan(a small room or veranda with windows) and son on. Helou Xuan won the third prize of Shanghai Classic Architectures at the 50th anniversary of the founding of People's Republic of China.
Zuibai Pond Garden
Located on South People Road in the city of Songjiang, Zuibai Pond Garden with an area of 76 mus is the oldest one of the five ancient gardens in Shanghai (the other four are Yuyuan Garden, Guyi Garden, Qiuxia Pu Garden and Qushui Garden). The predecessor of the garden was Guyang Garden ----the residence of Zhu Zhichun, a jinshi (a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations) of Songjiang in the Song Dynasty. Dong Qichang, who was the minister of the Ministry of Rites and also a famous calligrapher and painter from Songjiang, built Simian (four sides) Hall and Yi Fang (a boat-shaped building) in the garden at the end of the Ming Dynasty. During the period under reign of Kang Xi of the Qing Dynasty, it was a private villa of Gu Dashen, a famous painter who built the Zuibai Pond based on a quadrate water lily pond of 700 square meters. Embraced by pavilions and winding corridors, the garden has many historical sites such as Letian Xuan (a small room or veranda with windows) and Xuehai Hall. There are ginkgoes and camphor trees of over 300 years old and tree peonies of more than 100 years old in the garden, which is well known in the region south of the Yangtze River.
The Luo's Yiyuan Garden
The Luo's Yiyuan Garden is one of the famous private gardens of the Ming Dynasty standing to the west of Xiunan Bridge in Songjiang Town. Built at the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was a private garden of the Zhaos and named Yinjiao Garden with an area of 5 mus. when the Zhaos were down, it was sold to the Luos and renamed the Luo's Garden, which was sold to Xuwei, head of Guian County in Zhejiang and renamed Yiyuan Garden. Yiyuan Garden was named the Gao's Garden when it was the property of the Gaos in the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949). The small garden covers only 2 mus today for many constructions were damaged after ages without being repaired and reconstructed. In the south of the garden stand palace-like pavilions and stages that are typical constructions of the Ming Dynasty. The stage is of great value.
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