
【生活常识英语,求一篇英语作文,有关生活常识的,200字左右】Don’t Treat Cold Symptoms
Many people believe that the symptoms of a cold (running nose, coughing etc生活常识英语 。) are designed to help us get over the sickness quickly - therefore they don’t believe that we should treat the symptoms with medicines 。
But the truth is that the symptoms not only make no difference to the duration of the cold, they can help spread the bug to other people - through noseblowing and coughing 。
You should take comfort in knowing that pain killers and other cold medicines will not only make the illness more tolerable, they will help to keep it contained 。

1 。Starve a Fever
I am sure that everyone has heard the phrase “starve a fever, feed a cold 。” The fact is, it is completely untrue 。
Eating has no negative impact on the body when you are sick, in fact, the opposite is true 。Food provides the body with fuel to cope with illness - so when we are sick, it is a good idea to eat healthy and well 。
I recommend a good bowl of chicken soup for a start 。