
1、我要画下彩虹的颜色,送沵当作礼物 。
I want to paint the color of the rainbow and present you as a gift.
2、深爱是种让人欲罢不能的习惯 。
Deep love is a habit that people cant stop.
3、你所在的城是我思念的源泉 。
Your city is the source of my yearning.
4、你永远不知道特意避开你目光的那个人有多喜欢你 。
You never know how much the person who avoids your eyes likes you.
5、一觉醒来,开始憧憬爱情,而爱情刚好做了场诡异的梦 。
【英文句子唯美有深意】When I wake up, I begin to look forward to love, which happens to have a strange dream.