
热开水在瓶子里放久了还能喝?我听好多人说不能喝 , 但我们这里经常把开水放到水壶里啊!特别是冬天一般都


时间长了 , 水里面的细菌又繁殖了很多 , 容易引起肠道疾病以及肾过滤等问题 , 所以尽量不要喝放置很久的凉白开 。
这是什么歌?Wrong Hole

I took her on a date things seemed so bright
I knew I would not need my youporn tonight
We go to her place and we fooled around
We throw all our clothes to the ground

We begin as she turns out the lights
I start but feel something so very extra tight
I hear her cry and I see her frown
I look at the condom it is all brown

Last night I stuck it in the wrong hole
I’m so sorry from the bottom of my soul
Cause I stuck it in the wrong hole

Try some preparation H it’ll make you feel better
In my defense those holes are so close together
Oh baby baby don’t feel defiled
It’s a common accident during doggy style

It was so dark I couldn’t see so good
I had no idea where I put my wood
I want to make things better want to make it alright
If you want you can put on a strap on and give it back to me all night ( I’d rather if she didn’t)

Last night I stuck it in the wrong hole
I’m so sorry from the bottom of my soul

I never ever want to make you feel hurting
I guess that’s why God made that hole not for inserting
Tell me how you feel baby please don’t pause
Now I know how they feel in that HBO show OZ
Maybe take some advit your pain it will fix
From the way you are walking you can compete in the special olympics

If this was Alabama we would be on trial
That’s how my mom took my temperature when I was a child

I’ve got a confession and I think you wont mind
I kinda liked when you put it in my behind
I don’t know baby I’m no Sodomite
Can’t we just try it again tonight?


Every night I stick it in the wrong hole
It’s so much fun and we don’t need no birth control
When we stick it in the wrong hole.

I stuck in your ass.
满意的话 , 请采纳
有什么问题在此追问吧 。
很久没有用护肤品,现在用了蔻赛晶露脸有点刺痛,热肌肤极度缺水也会造成假过敏现象 , 要不是极度缺水那有可能就是真过敏了
德国即热式电热水器 好不好呢展开全部

好 不安全国内现在的空气能满大街都是还找啥电的不安全 不省电