请问sway 和swing 的区别?
sway, n. 摇,影响力,支配; v. 使摇动,支配 。一般表示物体的下端固定 , 上端“摇动” 。如:The sailboat swayed on the stormy sea.(帆船在惊涛骇浪的大海中摇晃 。) swing , n. 摇摆,改变,冲力 , 秋千 , 摇摆; v. 摇摆,使...旋转,动摇 。多表示物体的上端固定 , 下端“摆动” 。如:The pendulum swings.(钟摆摆动 。) sway是下部不动 , 上部摇摆 , 比如人跳舞时的摇摆swing是上部不动 , 下部摇摆 , 比如吊灯
slow dancing with the moon歌词中文翻译Slow Dancing With The Moon (与月共舞)
sweet little cherry blossom,女孩像脆弱甜美的樱花
blooming before her time过早开放
moving her lips to her轻轻颤动樱唇
favorite song, cherishing every rhyme唱出心爱的歌 , 珍爱每一个韵律
swaying her lips to the rhythm, humming along with the tune琢磨韵律 , 跟着调子一起轻哼
lost in her own little dream world迷失在自己的梦幻世界
slowing dancing with the moon与月共舞
watching her I cannot help看见她我仿佛回到从前
but go back in my mind在我灵魂深处
and suddenly I find I am 15 again回到了15岁
slow dancing with the moon与月共舞的时光
oh, the stars got in my eyes long time ago星星早就在我眼中闪烁
and I've lived my life like a love sick clown我生活得像个充满爱的小丑 , 有点病态
in a bittersweet cartoon像让人又哭又笑的卡通片里那样
just a dreamy-eyes kind slow dancing with the moon眼睛里充满梦幻 , 与月共舞
watching the girl I'm reminded she's quite a lot like me看这女孩 , 多么像我
trapped in the suburbs of wonderland在这仙境般的乡野迷失
lost in her own fantasy迷失在自己的梦幻里
somehow my heart never grew up也许我的心从未长大
no one ever burst my balloon没有人弄破我的梦想气球
so here I am swirling in star dust slow dancing with the moon所以此刻我在星尘中旋转 , 与月共舞
still believe someday my wildest dreams will all come ture我仍相信 , 某天我最狂野的梦将成真
and I'll find someone who'll make me 15 again我会找到某个人 , 让我再次回到15岁
but until then I'm slow dancing with the moon在那之前 , 我会一直与月共舞
oh ,the stars got in my eyes long time ago星星早就在我眼中闪烁
and I've lived my life like a love sick clown我生活得像个充满爱的小丑 , 有点病态
in a bittersweet cartoon像让人又哭又笑的卡通片里那样
just a dreamy-eyes kind slow dancing with the moon眼睛里充满梦幻 , 与月共舞
谁知道《摇摆身体》的歌曲是什么啊 。我要英文的 。《Swaying body》←不是这个 。挺好听的翻英就是ROCK BODY
风吹花摆动的翻译英文【swaying品牌,swaying什么意思】【句子】The flowers are swaying in the breeze.
【词组】The swaying flowers in the breeze
【译注】sway是指慢慢的摆动 , 很符合这一慢镜头 。(请参见《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》中的解释:sway: to move slowly from side to side; to move something in this way.)《牛津》上还有一个与此句非常相似的例句:The branches were swaying in the wind. 树枝在风中摇曳 。使用wave也可以 , 但swing意思就差的比较大了 。(swing是"摇荡"的意思:to move backwards and forwards or from side to side while hanging from a fixed point; to make something do this.)
breeze是微风 , 更细微 。《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》上的释义为:a light wind , 也很符合这一场景 。
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