澳式橄榄球有意思吗?是怎么一种比赛【急求澳大利亚橄榄球英文简介!! 澳式橄榄球简笔画】澳式橄榄球,又称作澳式规则足球,英文叫做Aussie Football Rules,简称为Football,当然更多的当地人比较习惯称其为Footy,这么一看来,一个小小的运动,竟然有这么多不同的名称,想必规则一定会相当复杂 。这个可不是说着玩的,我有一些当地的澳洲球友,他们也不得不承认,有的时候,他们也看不明白场上裁判的那些判罚,毕竟每个人的判罚尺度不一样,而每年联盟都会信引入一些新的比赛规则进来,也让这项运动的理解难度进一步加大 。当然了,事物越复杂,却越能吸引更多的人去琢磨和研究它,而我,就是其中之一 。
话说澳大利亚地大物博却人烟稀少,全国总人口甚至还不及中国一个大城市的人口,但即使如此,在全球的体育赛场上,澳大利亚始终扮演着一幅“体育强国”的姿态,当年澳大利亚得以在点球大战中击败乌拉圭而重返阔别几十 年的世界杯后,当时的总理霍华德甚至宣布全国放假1天,那么历史悠久的澳式橄榄球在澳洲人心中的位置究竟有多高,也自然可想而知 。别看澳式橄榄球的全球知名度并不高,但它却是诸多运动中历史最为悠久的老牌运动之一,最早可以追溯到1853年 。因为此项运动对球员个人的体能要求十分严格,因此澳式橄榄球属于冬季运动,全国联赛从每年的2月末(澳洲夏末)一直进行到9月末(澳洲春初),在这段时间这项运动也就成了澳洲国内观众,特别是墨尔本地区球迷 最多以 及被人谈论最多的体育运动 。每年的二月至九月所有澳大利亚的运动爱好者均把他们的注意力集中在澳式橄榄球上,它主导着所有媒体以及各年龄的男女老少的心,上到步入花甲的老汉,下到尚不解人事的幼童 。因为它是澳大利亚拥有最多爱好者的体育运动,当各种年龄段碰撞时总会有分歧产生,澳式橄榄球却成了所有人的共 同语言 。尤其到了总决赛的时候,全国几乎会为了这两个小时的赛事而停顿,邀请金牌乐队到场献唱,外加喷气飞机的特技表演,场面好不热闹!澳式橄榄球每年吸 引着六百万的澳州人次观看现场比赛,还有四十五万人每星期都会参加此项运动,并且进一步促进了它的国际性 。
澳式橄榄球的英文音标澳式橄榄球Aussie footy [??zi?f?ti]] / [??:zi[?f?ti]; Aussie Rules [??zi'ru:lz] / [??:zi'ru:lz]
澳大利亚规则式足球(Australian rules football,在其风行地区俗称Aussie rules或footy),简称澳式足球或澳式橄榄球,是一种源自于澳大利亚墨尔本地区的橄榄球运动 。有别于一般的足球类运动,澳式足球每队场上18人,另外各有4名替补球员(interchange players),比赛在板球场大小的椭圆形草地球场上进行,球场长度可达185米(200码),差不多是英式足球的四倍 。虽然是冬季运动,澳式足球季前热身赛在2月举行 。球季在3月开始(初秋)到8月结束(冬末),总决赛在9月(初春)举行 。
急求澳大利亚橄榄球英文简介!!您好,以下为澳式橄榄球相关介绍,如有疑问请您追问,谢谢 。
Australian rules football
Australian rules football, officially known as Australian football,also called football, footy or Aussie rules (and in some regions called—erroneously—AFL, after the Australian Football League, the only fully professional Australian rules football league) is a sport played between two teams of 22 players (18 on the field, and four interchanges) on either an Australian rules football ground, a modified cricket field or another modified sports venue.
The objective of the game is to score points by passing the ball through the opponent's goal. The main way to score points is by kicking the ball between the two major goal posts. The team with the higher total score at the end of the match wins unless either a draw is declared or a tie-break is used.
During most play, players may position themselves anywhere on the field and use any part of their body to move the ball. The primary methods are kicking, handballing and running with the ball. There are rules on how the ball can be handled: for example, players running with the ball must intermittently bounce or touch it on the ground. Throwing the ball is not allowed and players must not get caught holding the ball. Possession of the ball is in dispute at all times except when a free kick is paid. A distinctive feature of the game is the mark, where players anywhere on the field who catch a ball from a kick (with specific conditions), are awarded a free kick. Australian rules is a contact sport, in which players can tackle using their hands or use their whole body to obstruct opponents. Dangerous physical contact (such as pushing an opponent in the back), interference when marking and deliberately slowing the play are discouraged with free kicks, distance penalties or suspension, depending on the seriousness of the infringement. Frequent physical contests, spectacular marking, fast movement of both players and the ball and high scoring are the game's main attributes.
Details of the game's origins in Australia are obscure and still the subject of much debate. Australian rules football became organised in Melbourne in May 1859, when the first laws of the game were published by the Melbourne Football Club.
Australian football is a major participation and spectator sport in Australia. The sport is also played at amateur level in several countries and in several variations.
The most prestigious competition is the Australian Football League (AFL), which culminates in the annual AFL Grand Final—currently the highest attended club championship event in the world. Australian football is governed by the AFL Commission, which also runs the AFL competition, and the rules of the game are decided by the AFL's Laws of the Game Committee.
为什么澳式橄榄球中的运动员不穿护具?澳式橄榄球没有猛烈的撞击,和美式橄榄球规则不一样,是两项运动 。
橄榄球先祖英式橄榄球就是没有穿防护服 。美国和加拿大分别开发了橄榄球防护装备 。澳大利亚风格继承了许多英国的规则,包括不穿防护装备(实际上,软防护装备一些) 。
美国文化比英国文化出口多,所以玩家之间会有巨大的差距,给人的印象是所有的玩家都穿戴上了防护装备 。因为你看到的是有不同规则的橄榄球 。穿防护装备是美式橄榄球
(American Football) 。英式橄榄球(Rugby football)和澳大利亚橄榄球(Australian rules football)不穿戴防护装备 。
事实上,重点应该是“为什么只有美国足球才穿防护装备” 。简而言之,美式橄榄球在方式、角度和影响方面没有明确的规定 。它可以以任何方式和全速碰撞 。因为美国橄榄球在实践中几乎不会超过一次传球(规则只提到每一次进攻都可以向前传球,但几乎所有的球队都是围绕这一传球战术 。平行传球和后传球是可行的,但很少)决定对球座的基本影响 。从这个角度来看,保护装置是必要的 。
澳大利亚橄榄球,铲球区位于肩下膝盖以上,并能踢出或出局,激烈的冲击力相对比美国要少,危险性也相对要少 。
事实上,它也穿戴上了部分护具,但很少,只有头部的防护装备,而且事实上,有些运动员会穿软的防护装备,不像美式足球那样戴着硬盔甲和头盔,这主要是因为规则和竞争方法和技能以及对防护装备的限制 。
30多人抢的是什么球1.正式运动有符合的就"澳式橄榄球".场上共 36人.
澳大利亚人最擅长什么运动?网球 。
在澳大利亚, 最普及的运动有:网球、高尔夫球、游泳 。当然澳式橄榄球也是最吸引观众的, 比如一场全国性的橄榄球比赛可以吸引300多万电视观众 。此外板球,自行车,足球, 冲浪, 帆船, 沙滩排球也是澳洲人喜欢的运动项目 。
澳大利亚人崇尚运动这是举世皆知的, 这是缘于澳大利亚的自然环境与气候条件 。它给了所有澳大利亚人得天独厚的户外运动的条件 。
关于澳式橄榄球和澳式橄榄球简笔画的内容就分享到这儿!更多实用知识经验,尽在 www.hubeilong.com
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