

我没有闹脾气的意思,我只是不知道怎么用不那么尖锐的方式表达我的不开心,而且我需要冷静去消化自己的情绪 。
I don't mean to be grumpy, I just don't know how to express my unhappiness in a less pointed way, and I need to calm down to digest my emotions.
有些事情就是这样,你越想放下越放不下,都说时间能治愈一切,可是这种滋味不好受 。
Some things are like this, the more you want to put down the more can not put down, all say that time can heal everything, but this taste is not good.
其实许多事情从一开始就已料到了结局,往后所有的折腾,都不过只是为了拖延散场的时间 。
In fact, a lot of things from the beginning has expected the outcome, after all the toss, but just to delay the end of the time.
以前喝一瓶可乐就能很快乐,现在长大了,需要喝五瓶啤酒才能稍稍不难过 。
Once a bottle of coke can be very happy, now grown up, need to drink five bottles of beer to slightly not sad.
他不耐烦地跟我说别打搅他的那天,我忽然想起他那时候脸红地跟我告白,问我能不能做他女朋友 。
The day he impatiently told me not to disturb him, I suddenly remembered that he blushed and confessed to me, asking me if I could be his girlfriend.
后来我学会把天聊死,故意听不懂任何暗示,看穿了所有套路,对任何人没了爱好 。
Then I learned to die chatting, deliberately not to understand any hint, see through all the patterns, no interest in anyone.
你怎么舍得,让一个满眼都是你的人,扛着所有负面情绪,一次又一次逼着自己放下你,带着失落从而选择离开 。
How can you give up, let a person who is full of you, carrying all the negative emotions, forcing yourself to put you down again and again, with loss to choose to leave.
有没有一个人,他是你生命中温柔的光,你是他的唯一一个例外,但是不足够优秀的自己,却不想阻止他奔向更好的,只有不说再见的离开 。
There is a person, he is the gentle light in your life, you are his only exception, but not good enough to their own, but don't want to stop him to better, only don't say goodbye to leave.