老外最需要中国的什么产品 国外最喜欢的中国产品

老外最需要中国的什么产品 国外最喜欢的中国产品


What Chinese Products Do Foreigners Like?哪些中国产品深受歪果仁喜爱?
获得114好评的回答Hamlus Goodwin
Lao Gan Ma, especially chili sauce flavor with picture of a middle-age women printed on it. Literally one of the best sauces, I think. All people who have known what I felt are not surprised when they saw me eating three piece of bread with a bottle of Lao Gan Ma.老干妈,尤其是辣椒味且上印有一位中年妇女的那款 。我觉得这是最好的一款辣酱 。任何跟我尝过相同东西的人,在看到我抱着一瓶老干妈吃了三片面包时都不会吃惊 。
[email protected] Sampson
I would definitely have to say that I love my Chinese-brand Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 Pro. This phone is cheap, performs as if it costs twice it’s $280 price, is completely customizable, slick, and has a whole lot of memory storage. 我可以很肯定的说我超爱我的中国手机——小米的红米Note3 pro,这款手机很便宜,但用起来完全不像只要280美元的手机,而且它完全可定制、灵巧,并且内存很大 。
[email protected] Iqbal,
I just love this drink. Can never get enough of it.我只爱这款饮料,而且永远喝不够 。
【老外最需要中国的什么产品 国外最喜欢的中国产品】Wong Lo Kat or Wanglaoji in pinyin, is a Chinese herbal tea, and one of the more popular tea drinks in China today. It is sold in many forms and different types of containers.王老吉,是一款中国中草药茶,现今是中国越来越火的茶饮之一 。以各种形式、各种类型容器贩卖 。