It is spring of 1943 during World War II. 1943年的春天,正值第二次世界大战 。
Standing among hundreds of new soldiers at Camp Grant, in Illinois, my father, Sam, just 18 years old, waits as a truck slowly drives by.在伊利诺伊州的格兰特营地,我的父亲山姆,年仅十八岁,和其他好几百个新兵站在一起等待着缓缓驶来的补给卡车 。
A full field pack is randomly tossed to each soldier.(卡车)上的备战包裹,被随意投递给每一个士兵 。
How strange, my father thinks, as he sees his last name, Litrenti, marked on each item in his pack.让父亲奇怪的是,他居然在包裹上看到自己的姓氏 。
How did they know it was me when they tossed the pack? (不是随便发的么)他们怎么知道我的名字?
【冥冥之中自有天意 冥冥自有天意下一句】He was impressed! Beating all odds, my father was tossed a field pack from World War.It’s his own father’s.他觉得很奇怪!原来这个包裹是他父亲(我的爷爷)参加一战时遗留下来的 。
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