英语商务沟通对话 商务英语简单对话

英语商务沟通对话 商务英语简单对话

商务英语是高校基本都会开设的内容 , 它涉及到了商务生活的方方面面 。下文中为大家介绍一些常用商务英语口语对话的内容 , 感兴趣的同学一起来看看吧 。
1.Our strip scissors are packed in boxes of one dozen each, 200 boxes to a wooden case.
我们的旅行剪刀是用林箱包装的 , 每个木箱装200盒 , 每盒一打 。
2. In view of our good cooperation over the past few years, we are prepared to accept your price.
鉴于我们过去几年来的友好合作 , 我们准备接受你们的报价 。
3.The goods we packed in new and sound jute bags, each containing about 200 pounds.
货物是用坚固的新麻袋包装的 , 每袋约重200磅 。
4.Cartons are not likely to be mixed with wooden cases while in transport or storage, so that the rate of breakage is lower than that of wooden cases.
在运输或储存时 , 纸箱不会和木箱混在一起 , 所以纸箱的破损率要低于木箱的破损率 。
5.We have made a number of improvements in packaging and presentation. Please set your mind at ease.
我们在包装装潢上做了许多改进 , 敬请放心 。
6.The cigars are packed 5 pieces to a small packet, 20 packets to a carton,144 cartons to a cardboard container.
雪茄烟每包5支 , 每个纸盒20包 , 每个纸板箱装144个纸盒 。
7. What do you think of humor in business presentation?
8.Laughter is necessary in work. Corporate humor helps to make your workload light and boosts your energy level. And if you have a sense of humor, it helps to enhance atmosphere at the presentation and the audience will become more friendly and engaging.
幽默在工作中是很必要的 。工作中的幽默能帮助减轻你的工作负担 , 提高能量水平 。而且如果你有幽默感 , 这可以帮你活跃演讲的气氛 , 观众也变得更友好和有魅力 。
9.Now let me make a brief introduction of my company.
下面我简单介绍一下我公司的基本情况 。
10.Our company specializes in the production of telecommunication facilities.
我们公司主要生产电信设备 。
【英语商务沟通对话 商务英语简单对话】以上是为大家介绍的常用商务英语口语对话的相关信息 , 希望可以切实帮助到大家 , 进一步提升自己的英语口语水平 。