另外用英语怎么说短语 另外用英语怎么说高级

另外用英语怎么说短语 另外用英语怎么说高级


另外:additional/in addition/besides/separate/other/moreover/furthermore/another 。例句:There are other iterative procedures.也存在另外一些迭代法 。
【另外用英语怎么说短语 另外用英语怎么说高级】参考例句:
Instead there was another fudge.取而代之的是另外一种谎言 。There are other iterative procedures也存在另外一些迭代法 。It is also wedge-shaped to lenticular另外 , 它也呈楔状至透镜状 。In other cases, a series of mathematical equations may be consolidated and simplified在另外的情况中 , 则可将一系列数学方程式合并或简化 。These institutions of education, affirmation and inspiration should rise where the people live另外 , 公众也应该有机会接受教育、肯定自己和发挥理想 。Children that open audition can get 1 photo that taken by professional photographer.另外 , 所有到场参与面试的小朋友更可得到由专业摄影师所拍的照片一张 。A chemical compound of a halogen with a more electropositive element or group.卤化物由一种卤素与另外一带正电的金属元素或族形成的一种化合物。Transportation must be prepaid. a 20% charge will be made to cover cost or rehandling and reinspection.运费必须预付 。另外还要预付20%的费用用于重新装卸和重新检查 。Two more (Northanger Abbey and Persuasion) were published posthumously the following year.另外两部(《洛山吉尔寺院》和《规劝》)是在她死后的次年出版的 。Don’t knock it! You won’t be able to find another job that pays so well.别挑三拣四了!你未必可以找到另外一个待遇这么好的工作!
additional是什么意思:adj. 附加的 , 另外的
There is no room for addition.没有增加的余地 。addition or extension that prolongs sth增加或延长的部分.He is very clever at addition.他擅长加法 。
addition是什么意思:n. 加;加法;增加物;添加
There is no room for addition.没有增加的余地 。addition or extension that prolongs sth增加或延长的部分.He is very clever at addition.他擅长加法 。
besides是什么意思:adv. 而且;此外prep. 除…之外
That is beside the question.那和这个问题不相干 。Besides, in a sense it was all true.况且 , 在某种意义上 , 也是合乎事实的 。The dresser is beside the bed.梳妆台在床的旁边 。