严肃的用英语怎么说读 我们的老师看起来是严肃的用英语怎么说

严肃的用英语怎么说读 我们的老师看起来是严肃的用英语怎么说


严肃的英语:solemn/solemnity/serious 。例句:The consular official wore a rather solemn expression.领事馆官员脸上的表情相当严肃 。
deadly seriousness极为严肃的Solemnity or dignity of manner.严肃或庄严的举止An earnest admonition or reproof;a reprimand.严肃的劝诫或责怪;斥责You should be serious in class. Don’t behave in a noisy, gay, and boisterous manner.你上课要严肃 , 不准嬉皮笑脸 。The consular official wore a rather solemn expression.领事馆官员脸上的表情相当严肃 。Pierce’s open, freckled face was grave皮尔斯那张有雀斑的大脸庞显得严肃庄重 。The airwaves are noisy with nonsense at a time when we need serious, substantive information.当我们需要严肃而真实的信息的时候 , 电视广播却是充斥着废话的噪声 。This light-hearted award helps underscore just how dominant the World No.1 player was in2006.这个不那么严肃的奖项更能看出2006年世界头号选手的实力 。A person regarded as obnoxiously puritanical.清教徒的禁欲主义 , 严肃拘谨的人被认为令人反感的清教徒式的人My unsoiled name, the austereness of my life, my word vouched against yours, will outweigh your accusation.我的纯洁无瑕的名声 , 我那严肃的生活 , 我那些反驳你的话 , 都足够压倒你的控诉的 。
solemn是什么意思:adj. 冷峻的;表情严肃的;郑重的;庄严的;隆重的
Solemnity or dignity of manner.严肃或庄严的举止The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.仪式在庄严的气氛中进行 。They watched the solemn ceremony.他们观看那庄严的仪式 。The inauguration was a solemn event.就职典礼是一件隆重的大事 。A solemn occasion; ceremonial garb.庄重的场合;正式的服装 。
solemnity是什么意思:n. 严肃,一本正经
【严肃的用英语怎么说读 我们的老师看起来是严肃的用英语怎么说】Solemnity or dignity of manner.严肃或庄严的举止The ceremony proceeded in a solemn atmosphere.仪式在庄严的气氛中进行 。They watched the solemn ceremony.他们观看那庄严的仪式 。The inauguration was a solemn event.就职典礼是一件隆重的大事 。A solemn occasion; ceremonial garb.庄重的场合;正式的服装 。