得到压岁钱用英语怎么说 得到用英语怎么说get

得到压岁钱用英语怎么说 得到用英语怎么说get


得到的英文:get/obtain/receive/derive 。例句:The nations derive mutual benefits from trading which flows in both directions.各国从贸易往来中得到互利 。
Recover the damages得到赔偿He was bowled for 120,ie dismissed in this way after scoring 120 runs.他得到receive quarter得到宽恕,被免一死to elicit a reply设法得到答复The unjust case was redressed.这件冤案得到平反 。They got a tip-off on the raid他们得到突击检查的警告 。They aspire to freedom.他们渴望得到自由 。The nations derive mutual benefits from trading which flows in both directions.各国从贸易往来中得到互利 。I feel quite sure about getting the scholarship.我很确信能得到奖学金 。The old man claimed the land.老人要求得到这块土地 。
get是什么意思:v. 得到;抓住;获得;受到(惩罚);说服;到达,来;变得,变成;设法;开始n. 幼兽;生殖
Get to the bottom of弄个水落石出Saving is getting节约等于收入It was getting dark.天色渐暗 。
obtain是什么意思:v. 获得,流行,存在
He obtained a diploma in architecture.他获得了建筑学的学位证书 。They obtained a loan from the government.他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款 。The custom still obtains in districts.这种风俗在某些地区仍然流行 。
receive是什么意思:v. 收到;经受;接见,招待;接纳;回应;接收
【得到压岁钱用英语怎么说 得到用英语怎么说get】receive quarter得到宽恕,被免一死To receive review接受检阅receive the sacrament领圣餐.