医生建议我好好休息用英语怎么说 在家好好休息用英语怎么说

医生建议我好好休息用英语怎么说 在家好好休息用英语怎么说


好好休息的英语:a good rest 。例句:He complied with the doctor’s order that he take a good rest.他遵从医生要他好好休息的命令 。
They had thought that the vacation would be restful,but they were soon disillusioned.他们原以为假期里能好好休息,但过不She felt like having a good rest她想好好休息一下 。She is advised to take a good rest .有人劝他好好休息 。You get points for breathing in and out.你有理由好好休息一下 。Stop for a well-earned/-deserved rest停下来该好好休息一下The servants in her train will have a good rest.她的随行仆人将会好好休息 。He complied with the doctor’s order that he take a good rest他遵从医生要他好好休息的命令 。Take the medicine I prescribed and get plenty of rest.服用我开的药 , 好好休息 。A restful Sunday afternoon可以好好休息一下的星期日下午A good rest will call your strength back好好休息会使你恢复体力 。
good是什么意思:adj. 好的;令人满意的;愉快的;仁慈的n. 好处;利益;有道德的人或事adv. 好
A good appetite is a good sauce饥不择食The prompt goods have good qualities.当场付款的物品质量不错 。Be not simply good; be good for something.不要单纯做个好人 , 还要做个能派上用场的人 。Have a good mind很想…Good gracious, no!天哪 , 不!
rest是什么意思:v. 休息;(使)倚靠;被搁置;安息 , 长眠n. 休息时间;休止 , 休止符;剩余部分;其他;支架
【医生建议我好好休息用英语怎么说 在家好好休息用英语怎么说】Rest on one’s laurels躺在荣誉上睡觉A change of work is as good as a rest调换一下工作是很好的休息Anger rests in the Bosom of folly怒火常寓于蠢人的胸中Rest the ladder against the wall.把梯子靠在墙上吧 。I need to rest for a piece.我需要休息一下 。