关于爱情的英文诗泰戈尔诗歌欣赏( 二 )

In fear that it may be frayed, or stained with dust he keeps himself from the world, and is afraideven to move.
为怕衣饰的破裂和污损,他不敢走进世界,甚至于不敢挪动 。
Mother, it is no gain, thy bondage of finery, if it keeps one shut off from the healthful dust ofthe earth, if it rob one of the right of entrance to the great fair of common human life.
母亲,这是毫无好处的,如你的华美的约束,使人和大地健康的尘土隔断,把人进入日常生活的盛大集会的权利剥夺去了 。
O Fool, try to carry thyself upon thy own shoulders! O beggar, to come beg at thy own door!
Leave all thy burdens on his hands who can bear all, and never look behind in regret.
把你的负担卸在那双能担当一切的手中罢,永远不要惋惜地回顾 。
Thy desire at once puts out the light from the lamp it touches with its breath. It is unholy-takenot thy gifts through its unclean hands. Accept only what is offered by sacred love.
你的欲望的气息,会马上把它接触到的灯火吹灭 。它是不圣洁的-不要从它不洁的手中接受礼物 。只领受神圣的爱所付予的东西 。
Here is thy footstool and there rest thy feet where live the poorest, the lowliest, the lost.
这是你的脚凳,你在最贫最贱最失所的人群中歇足 。
When I try to bow to thee, my obeisance cannot reach down to the depth where thy feet rest among the poorest, the lowliest, and lost.
我想向你鞠躬,我的敬礼不能达到你歇足地方的深处--那最贫最贱最失所的人群中 。
Pride can never approach to where thou walkest in the clothes of the humble among the poorest, the lowliest, the lost.
你穿着破敝的衣服,在最贫最贱最失所的人群中行走,骄傲永远不能走近这个地方 。
My heart can never find its way to where thou keepest company with the companionless among the poorest, the lowliest, and the lost.
你和那最没有朋友的最贫最贱最失所的人们作伴,我的心永远找不到那个地方 。
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