n.: 分区
网络: 小区;街道办事处;街道数
For the transformation of society and government function, subdistrict office becomes the main community public service provider.
而社会的转型和政府职能的转变,使得街道成为社区公共服务的主要提供者 。
The change of community governance from subdistrict community to modern community enlarged the space of community participation.
The fourth part is the author”s conception of reconstruction of subdistrict community”s administrative organization.
第三部分是对街道社区管理组织重构的现状分析与实证研究 。
This initiative helped improve registration of births and deaths at the subdistrict level.
这一举措帮助改善了街道一级的出生和死亡登记 。
Student: Should we regard the residential population under the subdistrict offices as communities?
学生:是否可以把街办事处管辖下的居民人口看成社区单位呢? 。
A team of experts is presently in the Cikelet subdistrict investigating the outbreak and monitoring for further cases.
一个专家小组目前正在锡克雷特镇调查疫情和监测进一步病例 。三个小村是调查的重点 。
Generally, the subdistrict commissar or the district government head would give them a lecture and then let them go.
一般来说,由区政治指导员或区长向他们训话后,就把他们放走 。
【解释例句 subdistrict是什么意思】Khayelitsha, the poorest subdistrict, had the highest levels of mortality for all main cause groups.
卡雅利沙是开普敦最贫困的分区,它的所有主要病因组的死亡率都是最高的 。
The case occurred in a 35-year-old woman from the remote subdistrict of Cikelet, West Java Province.
该病例发生于西爪哇省偏远的锡克雷特镇1名35岁妇女 。
today, my subdistrict cut off water supply.
今天,我们小区停水了 。
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