1.喝醉酒是一件很色情的事,因为满脑子都是你 。
【14句有点污的肉麻情话 给男朋友发污污的情话】It’s very erotic to get drunk, because you’re all your brain.
You are instant noodles, I am plain boiled water, I will settle down for you in this life!
3.你对象这个位置,我想牢牢坐一辈子 。
You want to sit in this position for a lifetime.
4.既然你已经弄乱了我的心了,什么时候来弄乱我的床啊 。
Now that you have messed up my heart, when will you mess up my bed?
5.想做你的枕边书,怀中猫还有意中人 。
I want to be your pillow book, cats in my arms and lovers.
6.我想在你身上钻木取火,点燃此生 。
I want to drill a fire on you and ignite this life.
7.你怕不怕麻烦?不怕的话那就麻烦你跟我在一起吧 。
Are you afraid of trouble? If you are not afraid, then please trouble with me.
8.我的手被划了一道口子,你也去划一道吧,这样我们就是两口子啦 !
My hand was scratched, so go ahead, so we are two!
9.只想天天和你四件事,一日三餐 。
Just want to do four things with you every day, three meals a day.
Hey, I dreamed of you last night! You said I missed you or did you miss you?
11.生活不止有眼前的苟且,还有和你在床上的狂野 。
Life is not just about being attentive, but also being wild in bed with you.
12.你知道我想变成什么样的人吗 ?变成你的人 。
Do you know what kind of person I want to be? Become your person.
Which one do you prefer, January 1st and January 31st?
14.零食你随便吃,胖了的话我们一起做运动减肥 。
You can eat snacks casually, if we get fat, we will do exercise to lose weight.
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