我想将对你的感情,化作暖暖的阳光,期待那洒落的光明能暖和你的心房 。
I think your feelings, into warm sunshine, look forward to that sprinkled light can warm your heart.
夜幕再短一些,喜欢的白昼再长一点,阳光和暖和奔向你,日子也明亮了起来 。
The night is shorter, like the day a little longer, the sun and warmth run to you, the day is also bright up.
去见你想见的人吧 。趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁繁花还未开至荼蘼,趁现在还年轻 。
Meet the person you want to meet. While the sun just happens, while the breeze is noisy, while the flowers have not yet opened to the ,while still young.
我希望有个如你一般的人,如山间清爽的风,如古城暖和的光,从清晨到夜晚由山间到书房,只要最后是你,就好 。
I hope to have a person like you, such as the cool wind in the mountains, such as the warm light of the ancient city, from the morning to the night from the mountains to the study, as long as the last is you, just.
不要怕,你终会遇见这么一个人,他会用整个人生将你精心收藏,用漫长岁月把你妥善安放 。
Don't be afraid, you will finally meet such a person, he will use the whole life will be your careful collection, with a long period of time to put you properly.
其实这个世界偶然也擅长创造惊喜,我们会碰到温柔的事物,温柔的人,对这个世界也不必过于紧张,究竟一切都终有归途 。
In fact, the world is occasionally good at creating surprises, we will encounter gentle things, gentle people, the world need not be too nervous, after all, everything has a way home.
但愿每个夜晚睡前热的牛奶,每个清晨醒来的早安吻和许多年后黄昏公园里我身边的那个位置,都能给你 。
【温柔到爆的神仙文案英语,微风不燥阳光正好】I hope every night hot milk before bedtime, good morning kisses every morning and the place around me in the twilight park many years from now, can be given to you.
我真的是不太会表达的人 假如你感觉到我喜欢你 在乘个二十倍,就是我真正喜欢你的程度 。
I'm really not very expressive people If you feel like I like you in multiplying twenty times, that's how much I really like you.
喜欢是什么,是人间幸事 是久违的欢喜,是想起你来上扬的嘴角 是风里雨里人海里,你朝我走来 。
Like what is, is the world's good fortune is a long-lost joy, is to think of you to rise the corner of the mouth is the wind in the rain in the sea, you come to me.
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