

一、祝愿欺骗我感情的少年,无爱一生,断子绝孙,孤独终身,且长命百岁 。
I wish the young people who cheat my feelings a lifetime without love, a lifetime without grandchildren, a lifetime of loneliness and a long life of one hundred years.
二、我并不想做个征战四方的女流氓,可是你们谁也没把我当成个小姑娘 。
I don't want to be a gangster on all sides, but none of you think of me as a little girl.
三、我想要做个思想上的女流氓,生活上的好姑娘,形状上的柔情少女,心理上的变形金刚 。
I want to be an ideological hooligan, a good girl in life, a tender girl in appearance, and a transformer in psychology.
四、女孩子应该明白:气质比年龄重要,微笑比颜值重要,开心比爱情重要 。
Girls should understand that temperament is more important than age, smile is more important than face value, and happiness is more important than love.
五、大概这辈子不会再爱上谁了,因为没有了一见钟情的皮囊,也缺少了日久生情的耐心 。
Probably in this life will not fall in love with anyone, because there is no love at first sight, but also a lack of patience.
六、女孩子不要随便吵架,这会显得你很没有教养,你该一巴掌过去,让她知道什么是力量,什么叫文武双全 。
Girls don't quarrel casually, it will appear that you are not educated, you should slap the past, let her know what is strength, what is both civil and military.
七、我不水性杨花,怎么配得上你空前绝后的喜新厌旧 。
I am not water-based poplar, how can I match your unprecedented love of the new and hate the old.
八、我不想相互生厌,张口闭口全是怨,我喜欢干净利落,我只希望你死 。
I don't want to be bored with each other. I just want you to die.
九、你要做一个披荆斩棘无所不能的女英雄,直到遇见能托付一生的人,再做一个瓶盖都拧不开的小公主 。
You have to be an all-powerful heroine, until you meet someone who can entrust a lifetime, and then make a little princess whose bottle cap can not be unscrewed.
十、我会努力变成你喜欢的那种女孩子,然后死也不和你在一起 。
I will try to become the kind of girl you like, and then die without you.