

【治愈神仙温柔短句英文,得到心灵的平静】生活晴朗,万物可爱 。
Life is bright and everything is lovely.
来日方长,何惧车遥马慢 。
Theres the tender vending machine,24 hoursBusiness.
假如快乐太难,那我祝你平安 。
If it's too hard to be happy, I wish you well.
有人辞官归故里,有人星夜赶科场 。
Some quit their jobs and went back to their hometown. Others went to the Science Center at night.
待人友善是修养,独来独往是性格 。
To be friendly is to be cultivated, to be a lone wolf is to be a character.
倦怠的生活里总要有些温柔的梦想 。
There must be some tender dreams in a weary life.
愿世间所有的分道扬镳都是为以后更好的重逢做铺垫 。
May every parting of the ways of the world pave the way for a better reunion.
愿你三冬暖,愿你春不寒,愿你天黑有灯,下雨有伞 。
May you be warm in winter, may you be warm in spring, may you have a lamp in the dark and an umbrella in the rain.