一、后来才发现,遇见有趣的自己,才是人生中最大的礼物 。
I later found that meeting interesting oneself is the greatest gift in life.
二、你的好运气藏在你的实力里,也藏在你不为人知的努力里 。your good fortune lies in your strength, as well as in your hidden efforts.
三、在别人的世界里傲慢,好比扔掉伞钻进风雨里梳头 。头没梳成,倒成了“落汤鸡” 。Being arrogant in someone else's world is like throwing away an umbrella and combing one's hair in the wind and rain. Instead of combing his hair, he turned into a drowned rat.
四、三十六计,走为上策,也就是说,碰到麻烦的人或事,逃避未必不是好方法 。但凡能够躲开,先躲开 。thirty-six, go is the best policy, that is to say, the people or things in trouble, escape is not necessarily a good way. If you can get away, get away.
五、这世界上有很多东西,细小而琐碎,却在你不经意的地方,支撑你度过很多道坎 。There are many things in this world, small and trivial, but in your casual place, support you through a lot of obstacles.
六、做人,一定要有良心!千万不能忘记帮助过你的人!否则,你一定朋友越来越少,路越走越窄的!be a man, must have conscience! Never forget those who helped you! Otherwise, you must have fewer and fewer friends and narrower paths!
七、不碰触别人的伤口,才是最大的善意,哪有什么感同身受 。do not touch the wounds of others, is the greatest kindness, which have what empathy.
八、有时候你不得不放弃一些人,不是你不在乎,而是他们不在乎 。Sometimes you have to give up some people, not you don't care, but they don't care.
九、你的内心不乱,你就不会被外界左右;你不要太仰视,你就会获取平静的心 。your heart is not chaotic, you will not be controlled by the outside world; Don't look up too much and you will gain peace of mind.
十、难过这个东西,难是难,终究会过去 。外向是生活所需,孤独是自我享受 。sad this thing, is difficult, will eventually pass. Extroversion is necessary in life. Loneliness is self-enjoyment.
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