相似词语短语 OUT LOOK是什么

out look发音

相似词语短语 OUT LOOK是什么

意思翻译n.看法 , 态度;前景 , 展望;景色 , 风光;瞭望处
相似词语短语look out───注意;面朝;照料;当心;向外看; 面向; 朝外; 当心
look it out───小心点
look out from───从……向外看
look out at───向外眺望……
look out onto───向……望去
move look out───小心点
look out of───从…朝外看
look out for───留心 , 提防;留意找 , 设法得到;搜寻(某人或某物) ,  试图得到(某物); 留神提防
look out over───俯瞰
双语使用场景He’s got this spaced-out look.───他看起来精神恍惚 。
That is the problem with retention deals: they have a habit of making people who hand them out look rather silly.───这就是留任协议的问题:他们习惯性的让那些掌握着他们的人认为他们愚蠢 。
Fears about Ireland’s public finances and Banks have made a European bail-out look imminent. How deep is the country’s economic mire?───爱尔兰的银行及公共财政的担忧似乎让自欧洲的援助计划迫在眉睫 , 那么陷入困顿泥潭中的爱尔兰究竟到了哪种程度呢?
Mike would like to, but his mother let him be a gatekeeper, while his uncle let me go out look for her mother, how can him do?───迈克想 , 妈妈让我看门 , 叔叔让我出去找妈妈 , 我该怎么办呢?
The last thing we are going to do is drop the opacity of the landscape photo to 80% to give it a faded out look, like everything else has.───我们要做的最后一件事情是降低风景照片的不透明度到80% , 以使图像如前面的一些操作一样使色彩淡出 。(增加真实感——译者注)
Daniel: Cut it out. Look at my smile, and it seems like the flowers in the spring. Right?───丹尼尔:打住 。看我笑得就跟春天里的花朵一样 。是不是呀?
Well! Invited the market manager over to help out. Look at his pair of heavy-duty jumping cables.───嗯!麻烦市场经理过来帮忙 , 看那对重负荷的救车线 。
【相似词语短语 OUT LOOK是什么】Okay, don’t let it out. Look at me. Look me in the eye.───好 , 别放走它 , 看着我 , 看着我的眼睛 。
It’s a pity that all the tickets of the fashion show have been sold out; Look! Many people are not willing to leave.───真遗憾 , 时装表演的票卖完了;看哪 , 还有许多人不肯离去 。
英语使用场景Yes this fabric like French terry fabric, but I heard that produce from monofilament yarn. And out look is very small.
If she has to go out, look for a farm boy.
Like Nancy Drew, I track down clues, try to figure things out, look carefully at evidence, examine motives.
Redesign for appearance sake, I want my site to stand out, look clean and easy to use.