

1、人生,不过是一辆开往尽头的列车,愿有人站在秋天的站台,与你共赴暖和的将来 。Life is just a train to the end. May someone stand on the platform of autumn and go with you to the warm future.
2、爱若疼痛,就不叫爱;爱若卑微,便不再是爱 。
If love is painful, it is not love; if love is humble, it is no longer love.
3、有时候,有些事只是你的错觉,比如:他爱你 。在乎你 。
Sometimes, some things are just your illusion, such as: he loves you. I care about you.
4、没有一个女人喜欢听你讲道理,你讲的是道理,她听的却是你对她的态度 。
No woman likes to listen to your reasoning, you are telling the truth, she listens to your attitude towards her.
5、以前过的时间不痛不痒,现在的时间过得不知不觉 。
Time used to be painless and itchy, but now time passes unconsciously.
6、有些话只能说给自己听,有些事只有自己懂了才能真的释怀 。
Some words can only be said to oneself, and some things can only be really relieved if one understands them.
7、当矜持遇见矜持,当等待遇见等待,作祟的是毕竟是自尊还是自卑 。
When reserve meets reserve, when waiting to meet, it is self-esteem or inferiority.
8、眼睛涩了,是因为眼泪的浑浊爱情涩了,是因为欺骗的执着 。
Eyes astringent, because of the cloudy tears of love astringent, because of the persistence of deception.
9、我愿执笔弃花间,从此以后,离经易道,只为你 。
I would like to abandon Huajian, from now on, deviate from the classical path, only for you.
10、说实话,我确实想你,但我更想天天睡醒后还有你 。
To tell you the truth, I do miss you, but I would like to wake up with you every day.
11、牵着你的手,无论是在哪里,我都感觉像是在朝天堂奔跑 。
Holding your hand, wherever I am, I feel like running towards heaven.
12、只要你记得我,我不介意整个世界都把我遗忘 。
As long as you remember me, I don't mind the whole world forgetting me.
13、我爱的人不是我的爱人,他心里的每一寸都属于另一个人 。
The person I love is not my lover. Every inch of his heart belongs to another person.
14、自始至终都是你,让我投入太彻底,故事假如注定悲剧,何苦给我漂亮 。
It's you from beginning to end. Let me invest too thoroughly. If the story is doomed to tragedy, why bother to give me beauty?
15、幸福,就是和喜欢的人,在喜欢的地方,做喜欢的事情,无论是相爱还是争吵 。
Happiness is to love and quarrel with the person you like, to do the things you like in the place you like.
16、我对你是指针向南,我爱你是深海沉船,你一来是万物复苏,你离开是世界荒凉 。
I'm pointing south to you, I love you as a deep-sea wreck, you've always been the recovery of all things, you've left the world barren.
17、失去了缘分的人,即使在同一个城市里也不太轻易遇到 。
Lost fate, even in the same city is not easy to meet.
18、为你走了九十九步,最后一步,我想和尊严走下去 。
Ninety-nine steps for you, the last step, I want to go with dignity.
19、怦然心动只是刹那惊艳,柴米油盐才是一辈子的生活方式 。
Heart beat is just a flash of surprise, firewood, rice, oil and salt is the lifestyle of a lifetime.
20、不论是遇见,还是错过,都要感谢你,在我生命里出现过 。
Whether you meet or miss, thank you for appearing in my life.
21、给我一个承诺,我哪里都不会去,就站在这里等着你 。
Give me a promise, I will not go anywhere, just stand here waiting for you.