周末休息的英语 周末休息英语思维导图

A:David,do you think we are lucky to have the weekend?
B:Definitely. I need to have enough time to have a rest on this weekend.
【周末休息的英语 周末休息英语思维导图】We worked like bees in the whole working days.
A:I agree with you. What do you want to do,except sleeping?
B:Let me think.Oh.awful!I still have not finished the chart which was assigned by Mr Arden on Friday,so that task will keep me busy.
A:I am better. I will go out to have a visit to my aunt. Why don't we have fun on weekend?
B:So what?
大卫:那是肯定的 。我需要在这周末有足够的时间睡觉 。我们在这一周工作日里真是忙得不可开交 。
佛瑞德:我同意你的说法 。除了睡觉之外,你还要做什么事情呢?
大卫:让我想想啊 。哦,糟糕透顶了!我还没完成周五阿顿分配给我的那个图表呢 。所以这个任务还要我忙乎一阵子的 。
佛瑞德:我比你好点儿 。我要拜访我的阿姨呢 。为何不在周末过得愉快点呢?

周末休息的英语 周末休息英语思维导图


On Weekends
How much do you know the weekends which are so familiar to us?
In fact,the concept of one non-working day could be traced back to the times of Bible,while the idea of having two non-working days in every week was not far from us. The American idea of the weekend has its origin in labor union who wanted to accommodate Jewish workers. It is generally known that Jewish took Saturday instead of Sunday as their Sabbath. The first five-day working week was started by a cotton millin New England. And in 1926·Henry Ford began shutting his car factories on Saturday and Sunday. Then,the rest of the USA followed the suit.
事实上,一周休息一天的观念可以追溯到圣经时代,而一周休息两天的观念所产生的历史背景则离我们不远 。美国人的周末观念源自工会内部,为了调解和犹太工人们的矛盾 。众所周知,犹太人将周六看做是他们的安息日,而不是周日 。第一个五天工作制的规定起源自新英格兰的一家纺织厂内 。1926年亨利·福特开始在周六和周日将自己的汽车厂房关闭,而后美国的其他地方才效仿之 。
be lucky/be fortunate幸运的
bad luck倒霉的
work like a bee/one's time is occupied by something/as busy as a bee忙碌工作
up to one's ears工作忙死了
in tearing hurry手忙脚乱
get close to something/approach something接近某物
be far away from something远离某事
would rather do something/prefer to do/would like to cb something宁愿做某事