1 雅思 口语话题indoor
雅思口语重在日常积累和练习,但并非茫无目的 。我们必须针对不同的话题,分门别类,进行强化训练,只有这样才能脚踏实地,提高口语水平 。下面是小编搜集整理的关于雅思口语话题indoor的资料,欢迎查阅 。

1.Do you play any indoor activity ?
I like to play badminton, which is usually played indoors.
2.Do you prefer to play indoor activity or outdoor activity ?
I actually prefer outdoor activity, as I love to be in the fresh air, but the weather is not always appropriate for playing outside, so I do quite a few indoor activities, such as badminton and I go to a gym.
3.What indoor activity did you play when you were a child?
When I was a child, I liked to play basketball, I was not very good, but I used to enjoy playing with my friends
4.Is there any particular indoor activity that you liked (when you were a child)?
Yes, I liked basketball, and table tennis. We had a table in our house, and my brother and I liked to play together.
5.What sorts of indoor games do children play now?
Nowadays, children do not play as much sport as in the past, and many like to sit at home and play computer games.
1. What kinds of music are suitable for children? Why?
reason:这样的旋律学起来很容易,也让孩子们开心(cheer them up),他们可以快乐地跟着音乐唱跳(sing/dance to the music)
example:Gangnam Style是韩国流行音乐(K-Pop),歌词也听不懂,可是孩子也喜欢,就因为其旋律很好被孩子接受(well-received among children)
reason:歌词很生动(vivid),有画面感(have pictures/images in mind),更容易吸引孩子们的注意力(draw their attention),并引起他们共鸣(relate to)
sample answer:
Well, I’m no expert on this, but I suppose one of the most important thing is the melody should be upbeat and catchy. Kids are always happy, so naturally they’d love music that cheers them up. On top of that, most children can’t handle complicated melody, what they need is something simple and memorable, so they can sing and dance to it easily and happily. Another thing I guess is the lyrics should be about subjects children can relate to. For example, the little ones normally adore songs about animals.
I’m no expert on this. 我并非这方面的专家
2. Do you think people’s tastes in music will change as they get older?
reason:人的一生有机会接触到(get exposed to)不同的音乐类型(music genres),然后就会喜欢上(fall in love with)一种新的音乐;又或者是跟个性特点(characteristics/personal traits)有关,年轻人精力充沛(energetic/enthusiastic),喜欢追求刺激(look for thrill/excitement),因此更容易跟动感的(dynamic)流行音乐产生共鸣,而随着年纪和经历(life experience)的增长,很多人的个性变得温和沉稳(calm),这样的心态更容易接受古典音乐(classical music)或者交响乐(symphony)这样的类型
example:很多人年轻的时候痴迷于(be crazy about)摇滚乐(rock music),觉得非常热血沸腾(thrilling/energizing),然而等年纪增长以后就失去兴趣,觉得这种类型太嘈杂(noisy),甚至听了身体都会不舒服
reason:因为热爱,人们对于一种事物的热情不会衰减(the passion never fades)
example:我的伯伯是个死忠的爵士粉(a diehard Jazz fan)
sample answer:
Well, I think my answer is yes and no. On the one hand, people have lots of chances to get exposed to different types of music at different stages of life, so it’s very likely that they will find something that fascinates them, and their tastes in music will change. On the other hand, people just love what they liked in their youth, and his/her passion for a certain genre just never fades. Take my uncle for example, he’s been a diehard Jazz fan all his life. He just can’t get enough of it.
3. Has Chinese music been influenced by western music?
肯定有影响(definitely/absolutely)-全球化(globalization)不断推进,加之网络的推波助澜(with the help of the internet),我国人民可以与世界人民同步(keep up with the global trend),有机会听到来自西方的音乐,影响是难以避免(inevitable)的,尤其是流行音乐-西方国家有很多才华横溢的(talented/gifted)音乐人,他们激励了(inspire)我国的音乐人,同时西方音乐在音乐类型,创意(creativity/innovation),技术(techniques)等各方面都有很多值得我们学习的地方-当前国内的流行音乐深受西方影响(have a big impact on),有很多西方音乐的元素(element),比如像是饶舌(rap) 。
sample answer:
Yeah, definitely! It’s almost impossible to not get influenced, thanks to globalization, and I think it’s fair to say that pop music in particular has learned the most from western music. There are so many truly talented musicians in western countries, and they have inspired Chinese musicians tremendously. Nowadays you can see lots of western elements added into our pop songs. For example, rap is all the age these days in my country, and the younger generation just love it. They think it’s cool and fun.
all the rage,大行其道,很受欢迎
Do you prefer to study in a quiet environment or an environment with some sounds?

Well, I guess on the whole I prefer to study in a quiet environment, the main reason being that I find it easier to concentrate, because noises or sounds tend to distract me. So in other words, I tend to get more work done when I can't hear anything around me. But saying that, I do occasionally like to listen to some music while I'm studying, because it can make it a little bit more enjoyable.
嗯,总的来说,我更喜欢在安静的环境下学习,主要原因是我发现更容易集中注意力,因为噪音或声音会分散我的注意力 。换句话说,当我周围什么都听不到的时候,我倾向于做更多的工作 。但话虽如此,我还是偶尔喜欢在学习时听点音乐,因为这样会使音乐更有趣 。
Does your school have any quiet places for studying?
Yeah, I guess I'm quite lucky in this respect, because there's a pretty big library on our campus with loads of desks for studying, and I'm always able to get quite a lot of work done there, as it's really nice and quiet.
是的,我想我在这方面很幸运,因为我们校园里有一个很大的图书馆,有很多书桌供我学习,而且我总是能在那里完成很多工作,因为那里真的很好很安静 。
What natural sound do you like the most?
That's an interesting question, and I'm not really that sure to be honest with you, but I guess I would probably say the natural sound I like most is that of waves hitting the seashore, because it's just really soothing, if you know what I mean. And it's a sound I only really get to hear when I'm on holiday, so I also probably associate it with being on holiday, which would be another reason why I like it so much!
这是个有趣的问题,我并不是真的很诚实,但我想我最喜欢的自然声音是海浪拍打海岸的声音,因为如果你明白我的意思的话,那真的很舒缓 。这种声音只有在我度假时才能真正听到,所以我可能也会把它和度假联系起来,这也是我如此喜欢它的另一个原因!
Are there any sounds that you dislike?
【雅思口语话题海边活动 雅思口语话题application】Yeah, for sure! I mean, firstly, I really can't stand the sound of drilling, simply because it's just such a loud and unpleasant noise, so that would definitely be at the top of my list. And I guess the next one would be the sound of cars hooting, mainly because I hear it all the time where I live, and so it gets quite irritating after a while, especially when I'm trying to concentrate on something.
是的,当然!我的意思是,首先,我真的不能忍受钻探的声音,仅仅因为它是如此响亮和不愉快的噪音,所以那肯定是我的首选 。我猜下一个是汽车呼啸的声音,主要是因为我住的地方一直听到,所以过了一段时间就变得很烦人,尤其是当我想集中精力做事的时候 。
Are you ever bothered by noise?
Yeah, for sure, especially when I'm trying to get to sleep, you know, if there's a dog barking or something, it can really be quite maddening, but during the day I'd say I can put up with pretty much most noise, unless, of course, the noise is really loud and relentless, like if there's construction or renovation work going on around me.
是啊,当然了,尤其是当我想睡觉的时候,你知道,如果有狗吠声或者别的什么,那真的会很令人恼火,但是在白天,我会说我可以忍受大部分的噪音,除非,当然,噪音真的很响而且无情,就像有建筑一样 。我周围的装修工作正在进行 。
Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?
That's a hard question, and I'm really not that sure to be honest with you, but I guess my feeling would be that they probably will get noisier, yeah, basically because if you compare the situation in cities now to what it was like 10 or 15 years ago, then it's obvious that cities have got a lot noisier, mainly, of course, due to the increase in traffic on the roads. So unless something changes, I would say that this trend is likely to continue into the future, unfortunately.
这是个很难回答的问题,我真的不敢对你说实话,但我猜我的感觉是,他们可能会变得更吵,是的,基本上是因为如果你把现在城市的情况与10或15年前的情况相比较,那么很明显城市已经没有那么多噪音了 。伊塞尔,主要是,当然,由于道路交通的增加 。所以,除非有什么变化,我会说,这种趋势很可能持续到未来,不幸的是 。
What sounds remind you of your childhood?
That's an interesting question, and I haven't really thought about this before, but off the top of my head, I would say that one sound that especially reminds me of my childhood is the sound of firecrackers, interestingly enough, because when I was young, I used to love setting off firecrackers with my friends, especially during the Spring Festival. So now when I hear firecrackers, it always brings back good memories of my childhood.
这是个很有趣的问题,我以前从来没有真正想过这个问题,但我突然想到,有一种声音特别让我想起了我的童年,那就是鞭炮声,很有趣,因为我小时候喜欢放鞭炮 。我的朋友们,尤其是春节期间 。所以现在当我听到鞭炮,它总是带回我童年的美好回忆 。
Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education.
You should say:
where you met them
what subject they taught
what was special about them
and explain why this person influenced you so much.
I think my first English teacher has greatly influenced me in my education. I had some trouble in studying English when I studied in middle school. I felt English was very difficult,so I did't like to study it .One day, my English teacher spoke to me about the study of foreign languages . He said :" You must do a lotof reading , listening and speaking . Never mind, keep on trying, I believe you are a good student." In the years that followed , I studied hard and made greater progress. My English teacher loved his job and he was knowledgeable in his field. I love and respect him.
1) compare the differences between education in ur city with them in 20 years ago?
In the past, many children can't go to school, and educational conditions were very poor. But now, government provide 9 years compulsory education. Each child who is 7 years old must go to school. And government provide much better facilities and staff. Also, schoolyards are beautiful than before.
2) compare the differences between university and middle school?
We study basic knowledge in the middle school. But the course of university is practical and special, such as computer and business courses.
3)compare the differences between students now and past .
At present , it is difficult for student to find job. So, their pressure is he avier than before.
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